its here ......


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Hiya ladies,

Hope your all ok.

Well im approx 5 weeks today and its here..........the tiredness :nap:

My sickness started full on last night and my boobs started hurting alot yesterday. :dance:

Im elated that its all coming on although i feel a bit poo :)

Sorry as this is a bit boring but had to share :) xxxx

Loadsa love to ladies+bumps :) xxxx
I feel kind of relived that my boobs are really sore too.
Weird, isn't it! Apart from that no other symptoms.
My boobs are killing me too other than that no other symptoms xxx
Me too! I'm approx 5 weeks also and have sore boobs on and off, keep giving them a prod just to check! Really struggling get out my bed in the morning too...roll on the weekend for a long lie! xxx
Funnily enough my boobs arent hurting at all, that made me worry a bit. Sickness is getting a bit worse but not too bad and obviously I am soooo tired I am struggling to stay awake, and my work is non-stop during the day. Couple of times I just came home and went straight to bed. But I am not complaining, as long as I have the symptoms, I know the bubble is fine.
only thing i had was sore boobs and boy did they hurt they still hurt occasionally too
i feel sick to i keep beltching and cannot be sick some people must look at me weird when driving because i do it in my car to lol my boobs feel like they going to exsplode out my bra they feel huge xx i cannot wait to get this bit over and done with xx
well any symptom is a good sign but if you get through it in pure pleasure...................your lucky lol :) some of my friends have flew through free of all the aches and pains , even indigestion :O (how????) lol :) As for the burping......i am And gipping randomly. Not good when im half way through a hair cut. But hey ..lets just laugh and count our selves lucky after all its only for 8 months (even if it does feel like 28 lol :) All the best ladies to you and bumps xxxxxxxxxxxx
i did mean 8 months for me lol. Generally its 9 unless your a luck one who doesnt have long left :))) xxxxx

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