Its darkest before dawn

Thanks hun.
If i get him to sleep, i can get certified in baby sleep problems. Name it - i have tried it!

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He was up since 2 but i didnt give him the breast. It took more than 30 mins to settle him and i can hear him again

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Dont know what i am doing wrong, he is up every 2 hours

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He was up from 2-3 until.DH went to settle him. And then woke up at 4 am again. At 4 i gave him.the boob and took him with me, i am too shattered.

He woke up at 7 as usual, smiling. Round 2 tonight,.dreading it already

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Aw babe sorry to hear this again :( I really hope things improve very soon :hug:
So last night he went down even without stroking but then was waking up every hour. I am about to give up

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I only had a nursery nurse and she just said to persevere. The sleep lady never got back to me. My DHs boss had recommended someone who helped her but they do controlled crying and thats not for me. I just cant do it

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No I agree id rather get up in the night and know my baby is happy then leave him to cry and let him feel abandoned.

What is it with our boys? I would never do cc or cio either they cry for a reason even if its just to be close to us, its natural, but knackering! Don't you just want to throttle people who dare moan about getting up once in the night too! Don't know if I said before but Kynon slept loads better when visiting my mum and sleeping in a campcot next to my bed so Im seriously considering getting one! Could it be anything like that or do you just think he wants comfort from you?
I can see how people who are not used to.getting up dont like to get up.once. Sort of. I do.understand but they just have no idea how it is like to do it for more than 10 months and sometimes every 1-2 hours.
I dont have the space next to my bed, just the bedside table and thats it.
I just really dont know how to stop it. He just wakes up and cries and i have to settle him,.he doesnt resettle at night.
I would try the travel cot if i were you. Anything really.
I am trying not to pick him up but sometimes its impossible and once he smells milk he fights and claws to get to the boob and he is very strong.

I tried offering top up at around 10 but he wont take formula hovewer he will drink from me.
. Off to a gp.on wesnesday to get a referral,.i want to rule out any medical reason
I feel like screaming sometimes

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Nothing to offer but sympathy I'm afraid. Ryan has been better since his top teeth came through, but there is no right answer, is there. I do know how soul destroying it is to drag yourself out of bed every hour or so all night. Massive hugs.
Do you ever dream feed before you go to bed, that helps sometimes, gives me a bit longer anyway!
Its hard when they are at an age where they can just pull your top down and feed, Kynon does this and makes a mm mm sound which turns into a moan then a scream.
Hope there isn't anything wrong with him though that's stopping him sleeping. I think some babies just don't sleep so much. Hang in there, your not alone xx
He has a high fever now so it was probably because he wasnt feeling well. Took him with me after 12 to monitor his temperature :(

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He is miserable and is on calpol all day. I had to cancel going to work as well, so many things need doing

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Ah poor thing. That won't be helping, hopefully once he feels better you can try more things again x

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