It's been a hard 2 days

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi Girls

Jess has ben unwell since we returned from Ibiza. SHe will not eat a thing which is really upseting me. She has a viral infection but the reason she wont eat is because her gums are swollen and almost purple and she keeps crying and saying they hurt (i'm crying now)

Been at hospital with jess most of the day yesterday, we asked if we could take her home as she would not settle in the cot at the hospital. Had to take her back at 8:30am this morning for another check over and results from blood test.

Her white blood cells are low so have to go back Monday for another blood test to see if they have risen and if not they need to carry out some tests. We have open access to the hospital all weekend in case she gets any worse. She gets so upset everytime they come round to check her and it breaks my heart, i'm praying the blood test is ok monday so they can leave her alone

So probably wont be on here much for the next few days and TTC is probably out the window this month too
:hug: aww hun poor jessica hope she is better soon
Poor little Jess, really hope she gets better quickly :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear this :hug: I bet you ar ebeside yourself with worry, but i'm sure all will be ok in the end :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sending you loads of hugs and hugs for jess i hope she is ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor Jess I do hope she gets better soon, it breaks your heart when they are unwell doesnt it.

Take care hunny :hug:
awww poor Jessica :( Big hugs for you all and hope she is better soon :hug: :hug:
Thanks alot girls

She is on the mend which is a huge relief :D

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