its all over


Active Member
Sep 28, 2010
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I posted about some bleeding I had on Tuesday night.
I had a scan today and it was bad news - we are heart broken :(
I had a scan at 6 weeks and the heart was beating - they think that the baby died shortly after and I was supposed to be 12 weeks today.
I have an op in the morning to clear everything out
I am so gutted to be writing this I thought I was nearly out of the red
I wish you all the best of luck and hope you all have a happy and healthy 9 months
so sorry to hea this hun. hope it goes as good as it can tomorrow. xxx
Oh hun, im so sorry
Thinking of you and your family, it must be so hard to stay strong.
Remember, you can always come on here, and get all the support you need

Good luck for your op xxxxxxx
I am so sorry for your loss hunny. Please take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.
I have been through it this week so if you need to talk to someone im here. Thinking of you and will be tomorrow. massive :hugs: x x x x x x x x x x

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So so sorry for your loss hun, my heart goes out to you x
Really sorry to hear of your loss... thoughts are with u xxx
Oh Hun, I am so sorry this has happened, hope tomorow goes smoothly for you. I had the same thing happen in march at 11 plus 5. do keep talking to us girls on here, it really helped me get through it X
So sorry to hear this! Hope today goes as smoothly as possible x
So sorry for you sweety. will be thinking of you over this horribly difficult time xxx
So very sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you.

A x
I am so so sorry sweet. I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better. I am thinking of you.xx

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