Its a boy!

Island girl

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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I had my 12 week scan yesterday (dated 13w1d so growing nicely!!)

Everything was great and baby was wriggling and moving like crazy! And it was quite obvious hat we have a little boy! I was surprised we would be able to tell this early (and OH didn't want to know!) but very easy to see!!

Am still feeling crap so hopefully the nausea will finish for good soon, but it's such a relief to see everything is alright as have been really worried....

Hope you all enjoy your scans as much too xxx
So glad the scan went well hun!!

Wow there has been a few people that have found out gender this early!!! How lovely!

I hope it isn't that obvious though as I am dying to stay team yelloy :lol:

how wonderful , so glad everything went fine xx
Lovely! Did you get a pic?
13 weeks means you're now tri 2 xx
Wow! Didnt know that bits could be seen so early! Congrats. X
Congrats! Can't believe u were able to see something so early lol.
I can imagine ur OH making a comment like 'takes after his dad' - only cuz that's something mine would say lol x

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Congrats! Can't believe u were able to see something so early lol.
I can imagine ur OH making a comment like 'takes after his dad' - only cuz that's something mine would say lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Lol. This is exactly what my oh would say too!

Congrats on your scan :) x
Congrats! Can't believe u were able to see something so early lol.
I can imagine ur OH making a comment like 'takes after his dad' - only cuz that's something mine would say lol x

Lol..... I just had a feeling he was going to say exactly that but he managed to keep it in until we got outside!!

Thanks everyone x
Congrats! Can't believe u were able to see something so early lol.
I can imagine ur OH making a comment like 'takes after his dad' - only cuz that's something mine would say lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

And mine! Men...!!!!!!
ahh great news for your healthy scan and also your blue news! brilliant, I always find it's really obvious once youve seen it once !
:) Congrats!! I want to see the bits (wow that sounds wrong) to see how obvious it is xx
Wow that's early to find out! I can't wait to find out what sex is growing in my belly xx
Have you heard of 'nub theory?

"The nub theory is basically about 'the angle of the dangle'. Between 11 and 14 weeks' gestation both genders have a penis-like protuberance between the legs. They look incredibly similar at this point, except for the angle at which they are pointing. Sometimes there are males and females at this stage which are in the 'grey area', but essentially a boy's 'dangle' is 30 degrees up relative to the backbone and a girl's is below 30 degrees."

I was very sure that after seeing a dangley bit in my 12 week scan I was having a boy - I had a girl!
Cheeky boy, flashing his willy already! lol hahaha! Congrats hun xxx
i didnt know you could tell that early either!! x Whats the earliest you can tell? does anybody know? congrats! x

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