

New Member
Jan 16, 2016
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Hey people
found out that I'm pregnant on Monday..(bit of a shock as not planned) ??.5 weeks 1 day at the moment but maybe more. Having mild nausea, some discomfort in my ankles but what is annoying me more is the all over itching bur worse on backs of legs and boobs 😈skin feels very dry. Is this normal?
Ugh I had that TERRIBLY with my first pregnancy. It's unbearable! And normal!
Yes I've had the itch quite a lot on and off not nice! Congratulations on your pregnancy 😊 xx
My skin also got so dry on belly, back and side of boobs the first 6-7 weeks. In the end it was falling off in big pieces :(. Tried lotions, oils but it was still dry and itchy. Not sure why it happened but perhaps hormones? Skin is back to normal now :)
Try Palmers coco butter for stretch marks it's stopped my itching, or cussons bump and me moisturising cream that's great too. Xx
I have really bad dry skin at the moment too. It's always pretty bad in winter and I get itchy legs and arms due to the difference in temperature (when it's really cold and then you get warm because of the heating/fire being on). But this year it seems particularly bad, I'm sure pregnancy makes it worse, as I suffered really bad with my first two babies as well (during the pregnancies).

I use Lush's Dream Cream on my hands and use organic coconut oil on my belly and arms etc because I want to avoid chemicals. Also, I found years ago that most regular moisturisers make my skin worse.

Itchy boobs and nipples can also be due to them growing, they itch as the skin stretches.

If moisturising doesn't help at all or you start getting other symptoms like a rash or loss of appetite/hungry but feel full really quickly etc, speak to your midwife as there are a couple of pregnancy things that can cause itching (PUPPP and OC being the two that spring to mind).
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