It`s driving me mad!!!


Feb 7, 2009
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Hi all

Been a reader to this forum for quite a while and thought today I better register so I can write down my worries and may get some answers from you guys :D

Discovered I was pregnant 2 weeks ago. Due to my long cycles and late ovulation (around 21st day of cycle) my GP said I am probs in week 5 or 6 (that was on Thursday).

Monday after I found out I was pregnant I had a bit of blood on toi paper when wiping. Didn`t thought anything of it as I thought of implentation bleeding. Had a bit of period like pains but less strong which are supposed to be normal too. No blood since then for the whole week. Last week however it all started... :( Monday again some blood on toi paper after wiping. So called GP who referred me to EPAU for an early scan the next day. They did a transvaginal scan. They couldnt see embryo or heartbet yet but the amneonic sac and told me it was perfectly normal and everything seemed fine for the stage of my pregnancy. Regarding blood, they said that women bleed during pregnancy without any reasons to be found sometimes. That of course made me feel a bit better and when I had blood again on toi paper (its very watery, think its coming with the discharge) I didn`t worry. Thursday was perfectly fine no blood at all! Then yesterday, there was a bit more blood on toi paper (btw, so far it was only in the mornings) and got really worried. But it had stopped again and only had it once more (very watery again) during the morning. Nothing then til the evening. And since yesterday evening it is kinda on and off. It is not bleeding out to say, like a period, its really only after wiping and very watery and well, its ´inside` as well if you know what I mean. I don´t have any pains or anything like that, but just worrying my head off.

I know that no one can predict whats going to happen, but just wondering if anyone had a similar experience?

Having another scan on Tuesday morning and hopefully will find out more, but still getting mad when keeping to think about it. But it is hard not to!

Sorry for this being now so long, but I am feeling better to have written it!

Thanks for listening :hug:

Well like you i had a scan whereby they could not find a heartbeat as they said it was too early (less than five weeks), what they did see however was a collection of blood next to the sac, they asked if i'd had any bleeding which i hadn't and just told me to take it easy no lifting at all and to take as much rest as poss. When i went back after a few weeks they found a heartbeat and the blood had completely gone (my body must have re-absorbed it as i saw none)
So although i can't reassure you 100% i just wanted to let you know my experience, yours could be something similar, so try not to worry too much and try to take rest as much as you can. Let us know how you get on xxx
I had a few days of spotting around 5/6 weeks. some mornings it was like old blood and i had a couple of watery pink days.
it freaked the life out of me every time. it was just for that week though. horrible feeling though.
hope you're ok though hun. :hug: :hug:
are they doing a repeat scan in a couple of weeks for you? x
thanks for ur replies! trying to resist the urge to run to the shop and get some pregnancy tests...

yeh, got another early scan on tuesday and hope everything will be fine and hope to see something more!

Only thing im clining on to at the moment that it is not proper bleeding. but the not knowing is hard to go through as well!

I hated the waits between scans. I know they have to make you wait so that they can see more on the 2nd scan but its a horrible wait. So I just wanted to send millions of hugs. I'd say listen to your body cos even when I had spotting this time it didn't feel anything like my previous miscarriages if you know what i mean?
And hopefully the spotting will stop once baby is all comfy in there :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for the hugs jaded! its my first pregnancy. my OH is unforunately abroad with work (going to see him on friday for a few days, cannot wait) and my family is over in germany. So its even harder cos feel a bit on my own.

Because its my first pregnancy I have nothing to compare it to really. I myself feel fine and dont think I have any pains even so every twinge my body does now seems scary :shock:

I'm still like that. Still running off to the loo to make sure i'm not bleeding and stuff.
I hope tuesday comes around really quickly for you and that everythings ok.
Its not the same but cos we've kept this pregnancy a secret i've felt so alone at times so this place has been a bit of a saviour. I'm glad you feel ok in yourself, obviously apart from the worries. :hug:
I hope you are okay, but there is nothing more I can add like the others, but wanted to say I had read your message. xx :hug:
Hi there,
I saw your post and thought id write my experience.
Im currently 11 weeks pregnant and in week 7/8 on a thursday, I had some red spotting when I wiped to go to toilet first thing in the morning. It wasnt much but it freaked me out completely, it lasted for a couple of hours.
I was crying and everything thinking thats it, im losing it as i just automatically thought thats the only reason you bleed during pregnancy.My boyfriend said it was probably just me over doing it, so i tried to calm down.
Then 2 days later it happened again same time, lasted for the same time but was really light.So as it was a saturday i went to the local hospital as I was worried sick and he sent me for a scan on the mon.
When i had my scan at just over 8 weeks, the doc said the baby was fine and it had a strong heartbeat and it was in the womb so I had nothing to worry about.Also the nurse said around this time you get plantation bleeding which is where the blood vessels burst when the baby moves and its called a trauma, but it was common.She just said the most important thing is there was a heartbeat and to come back if bleeding is heavy and painful.
Since then I had spotting again both in week 9 and week 10 but quite literally for 2hrs in the morning on 1 day and it was very light spotting more dischargy/ watery like you described.
Ive got my 3 month scan on 16th feb so hopefully everything will be ok, im trying not to worry as it makes things worse.
Im sure youll be fine,if your really worried then maybe go back to the doc and ask for a scan at 8 weeks as they should be able to detect a heartbeat then,your other scan was probably too soon. It will put your mind at rest.
Good luck and i hope this inf helps.x
Hi FairyM

Thanks so much for your message! Am now able to relax a bit more! It seems its only discharge with a bit watery blood or brown discharge, just weird. I thought implantation bleeding would happen much earlier? Just hoping for the best now, esp as long as it is not bleeding bleeding. Its just kinda weird as it doesnt really bleed or spot... And in the end, nothing I can do I guess apart from trying to take it a bit more easy. Which is kinda hard cos studying at the moment - but of course my mind is everywhere else apart from my studies.

I just cross everything that I have and see how Tuesday goes!

Thanks everyone - your support means a lot, especially since I haven`t really told any of my friends as it is so early only... :roll:

Sooo... been to the EPAU in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary yesterday (the staff there were brilliant!) for the second scan. And this time they were able to see the baby (2mm) and the heartbeat! Yupeeee :clap: :dance: was amazing to see that! They couldnt find anything that would cause the bleeding. They said that maybe if it does continue I should have an internal examination to see if there is anything outside the uterus, I think they said something like polyp?

So that was all great news and was happy as yesterday, kept staring at the wee picture I got!
This morning again a wee shock as there was a bit more blood on the toi paper. Agony I tell you guys! Seems to be over again for the moment but it is still so weird with this only being in the morning (well happy about that to be honest). Must be something bursting inside me over night I reckon... so back at the waiting game...

Thought I better stay at home from uni again today just to see how it goes - in case there is more blood :think: Uni is becoming quite a strain anyways these days... too tired to do anything...

FairyM - how is it going with you??

Lots of hugs to everyone! :hug:

Yay Munchkin! Glad all is ok and hopefully you can relax a little bit. I know it must be really scary but as long as it's really light like that and not accompanied by any pain you should be fine. It's a weird thing the human body especially during pregnancy and TBH I don't think the docs really understand as much as they make out sometimes. Lots of women bleed in healthy pregnancies and noone seems to know why. But sending you sticky dust anyhow x
aww yay i'm glad you got to see your little squiggle!
hope the bleeding chillaxes on you soon so that you can relax a bit. :hug:

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