It never rains but it pours...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hi ladies!

AF got me yesterday, I hate her!!!!

So, I was feeling that I might start on Sunday, was feeling down and was trying to be upbeat and not betray my emotions when my husband so matter of factly blurted out 'my sister's pregnant'!!!!!!!

My initial reaction was 'for f@cks sake'!!!!! He goes in a mood because 'that's an awful reaction'.

I could have punched him on the nose! Why are men so insensitive? My other friend is also pregnant so yeah, I have two bumps in my face for the next 9 months.

Of course I'm delighted for them, that goes without saying.

I just don't understand why is so bloody hard for some of us whilst others are super fertile. It makes me sick!

I feel like I'm going to be creating arguments with my husband as I'm hurting. I feel like doing something dramatic so he feels my pain. Men are so blind to the pressure and stress of all this. He's absolutely peeing me off !

I feel so much better after that confessional!

Hi Joey! OMG we are the same person! I have just received an email from my only friend who knows i'm TTC and who has been trying since December (like me) and she has her BFP.

She said "you should try acupuncture - I wasnt even ovulating - I literally had 2 sessions, got a positive OPK and 10 days later BFP!"

Well I have ovulated NINE times since then AND I have had 4 sessions of acupuncture and NOTHING.

I am gutted!

I texted OH and his reaction was "I can't do this - worrying who will get pregnant next. Just book an appointment with the fertility doctor and we will get it done whatever it takes" and then we have a row because I DONT WANT to have IUI or IVF - I want to it like everyone else seems to do it - naturally! And I also create rows because I a cross with our situation and dont want to talk to anyone else but him but he is just as stumped as me which is not the answer I want. I want him to fix it! Unfair I know....

I am so angry I am crying!!!!

It is sooooo ridiculous!

Thanks Nic, having v hormonal day and feeling very sorry for myself, I need to get a grip!

You're welcome Joey, i was really upset when my sister got pregnant, i'd just been diagnosed with PCOS and it was giving me such a hard time with extreme pain and blood loss that i thought i would never have kids, so i understand how you feel!

Emily, maybe its worth having a chat with them, seeing someone doesn't necessarily mean you'd have to have IUI or IVF.
Hi Emoly,

It's so bloody hard!! I think the reality is that it's going to be a bigger deal for us as we got through it each month, symptoms, anxiety, the worry and all they do is have sex and forget about it!

I feel like staying in the spare room so I can get myself together but that's not going to help. I don't want to stress him out but why should I deal with all of this just to make sure he's relaxed.

I feel like I'm completely alone, even though a couple of v close friend's are going through this. It's like a race against time, who will be next?? I just know this is going to be a long slog for me and I just font know whether I can carry on.

I feel like giving up to avoid the disappointment each month!

Do you do Ovu testing?

Thanks Nic, how are you feeling? Not long now!

How long did it take you and did you need help?

I need some hope!

Thanks Nic, how are you feeling? Not long now!

How long did it take you and did you need help?

I need some hope!

I'm kinda getting bored now, just want the lo out. I actually didn't need any help, but we really thought we would. I came off the pill because it made me really poorly, and thanks to some poor advice from a gynae in regards to my age and ability to concieve (i'm 26 but i was told that at the rate my body was coping with it, he'd be surprised if i could have kids without help after 25) my OH and i decided that we'd take a chance, if it happened, it happened, if it didn't then when we were fully ready we'd seek help. I had two erratic 6 week cycles and then my third didn't arrive. In the past i have taken Starflower Oil which really regulated my cycles, and although i wasn't actively trying, my lack of regular cycles was upsetting me as i knew each dodgy one was creating more cysts and doing more damage. So, i decided i would start re-taking it to try and halt some damage, but i had to test first to make sure as we weren't using anything and it plays a bit with your hormones. We were a lot surprised when it came out positive, and even more surprised to find that for the first time in a long time (i hadn't been regular before i went on the pill) that i'd had a normal 28 day cycle and had concieved then.

Whilst i hadn't gotten around to taking the starflower oil, i had been following a low gi diet for the last month or so, and i really do think that it helped me a lot. I hadn't lost a lot of weight, but i know that the low gi diet is pretty good at regulating your insulin levels which can have a knock on affect to your hormones, especially if you have something like PCOS
Yep - every month and EVERY month I get a smiley face. This month i used the clearblue fertility monitor and got 5 high fertility days before 2 peak days - I am text book perfect but I just can't do it!

I feel like a failure and I am just waiting for AF before moving on to cycle 10 - I cant believe it!

I don't want to BD as I want a month off the disappointment!

I wish we hadnt started trying - I hate it!

So fed up and totally agree that we do have a harder time - I cant help my hormones - the tears just come and the disappointment makes it worse.

About to give up.....

Sorry she got you Joey, felt the same as you about it this month. Lots of very unpleasant emotions...

You must join the SMEP thread for next month with me - the girls on there currently are a few weeks ahead of me so could do with someone on there to compare 2ww with (when we get there)!
Hi Nik, I'm so happy for you. I just hope I'm in your shoes one day, giving someone like me advice. I'll look into the low GI diet tonight.

Emily don't give up! Well I won't if you won't! My friend told me about the CB fertility monitor but you have to use it on day one of your cycle. I went to Boots before work and got one as she says it really helped her.

I've not got a chance anyway this cycle as OH is on a stag during fertile week, typical!!!!!!!

I have lots of weddings in Sept so I'm going to write this cycle off I think and just get used to the monitor and being myself again!

This is the hardest thing to deal with, we just need to regain some control as it will happen one day. I need to remember the fab things in my life, plenty of sleep and I can come and go as I please. Things will all change one day so why not make the most of the here and now. That's what I day when I'm scraping the barrel at making myself feel better!

Try and get through today without making any rash decisions. Hopefully tomorrow will be brighter for us. ;-)

So sorry she got you, definitely try smep... I havent heard a bad word about it yet and it really makes u think u r doing everything u can, it's nice and easy and just the right amount of bedding I think! Give it ago... I'm currently day 23 so we will see if my faith has been worth it soon! Xxx
Thanks elivia's mummy, I may try that next month. I think I just need to get my head together this cycle.

Emily, keep your chin up petal ;-)

Hey, sorry to gatecrash the thread, but it's so comforting to hear from people who are going through and feeling the same as me. Me and my OH have been trying for about 4 months and recently he saw his sister and mentioned were thinking about a family. We're not really telling anyone we're ttc so this was a non-comittal response. Then she phones me a week later and says they are now actively trying for a baby. Of course this is completely their choice and I'd be happy for them but I just know she's going to fall straight away and I'll be so upset. Add to that my OH's cousin and wife are also trying! I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself but it's so hard.

As Fliss said definitely join us girls in SMEP! We've felt like we've taken control a bit and are supporting and keeping each other positive.

Sending a big :hug: xxx :dust: :dust: :dust:
You're nit gatecrashing TaffyRose, more the merrier! I'm going to try SMEP, is there another part of the forum for that or a thread on here? I need all the help I can get!

I think it will do me some good knowing my oh is away during my fertile time so in a way, instead of feeling like I'm missing out, I feel like I have freedom! I'm going to carry on as normal and then try again in Oct. That's what I tell myself now anyway!

Baby dust to all of you lovely ladies, I have no idea what I'd do without you!

There is a thread titled SMEP - who is trying this. Or something similar, within in this ttc section. I have just joined in today xx
Hugs Joey,
Did you read my thread in TTC - Visualisations?
it really worked for and helps you get positive. xx
More Hugs. xx
I feel your pain hunny!! In the last 8 weeks 6 OF MY FRIENDS have announced their pregnant on Facebook!! We are a cycle of 8 so there is only two of us left and she already has 2 kids!! So it's just moi!
I hate it!! Absoulutely hate it!! every single day I'm counting for something? 2 ww 5 days of af or 10 days counting down before ovulating and that's if it's on time!! fed up of poas! Fed up of all the symptom spotting and fed up of the disappointment!!

But every day I also think it's another day closer to getting that BFP.

I feel your pain girls and I'm glad of this forum as it really helps my stress to air my feelings

Hi Corrinne, I'll look at your thread, sounds fab and I'm up for anything!!

Babybo, what a nightmare!! There's no way I'd cope with six friends being pregnant!

I know my time will come and that there are so many people worse off than me. I just can't wait to be pregnant, the whole experience of it, the bad and the good!

I've got my fertility monitor now, just figured out how to use it.

Is anyone else using one? Is it helpful?


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