it making me so sad:(


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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i got my doppler from ebay today and i was really excited about it, my family and friends were really happy too. I then made my bf listen to it and he said 'it doesnt sound like any thing to me' when i found the heartbeat. I got really upset about this. He then asked me why i was upset and i told him he already knew, he said 'is it because of the noise' how awful and insensitive is that, he just doesnt care at all, i am getting more support off of my friend than him:(
men are such turds at times Littlelady :evil:
they sometimes don't know how to react to such things. My hubby cares but seldoms shows it. I think its a man thing.
he is 25 i thought he would care, he just doesnt and i dont know if i can cope with him much longer coz he is amking me miserable:(
well out husbands / partners what ever you want to call them can't always keep us happy all the time you know.
Its so easy to walk away from situations. Try working on it instead :)
i have tried so hard to try to get him involved in everything but he isnt doing anything to help me. He wont even disscuss buying things for the baby or anything, i feel like i am on my own anyway:(
i have tried so hard to try to get him involved in everything but he isnt doing anything to help me. He wont even disscuss buying things for the baby or anything, i feel like i am on my own anyway:(
i don't think its your man in particular Little lady. My man isn't nothered and never has been in buying baby stuff etc. I take this to my advantage and get what i like when i like which is great! :lol:

Is your man there when it counts? Was he there at the scan? Did he enjoy looking at his little bundle? Does he work and is willing to provide for yo and baby?

I think us women get a little bit over sensitive when carrrying a baby. To us its really real as we can feel the movements and we noticethe changes in our bodies more too. Men can't feel all this and to them its not actually real until the baby is in their arms -- you wait a nd see little lady - he'll might be pulp in your arms when baby arrives :D
Hi little lady

Dont worry about him angel, some men just dont believe its a real baby coming till they see it.

did he come to the scan with you??

my OH listens to me waffle about what baby stuff we need and what colours i want etc and just nods.... i am glad really cos i can do his room etc the way i like it.

Its a man thing hun. Bascially the suck most of the time.

I love my other half and he is so excited about this baby but he acts like an arse too alot of the time.

Make him buy you dairy milk to cheer you up.
Hi Little Lady, sorry you are feeling down, men can be buggers!

My DH finds it hard to imagine we're having a baby sometimes because I don't really show yet and its too early to feel anything. Yesterday I was sure I was feeling the baby, it was when Arsenal scored I jumped up and screamed and am convinced I felt movement (poor thing must have jumped out his skin!) My DH finally got excited about that!

I have friends who say their OH wasn't that interested while they were pregnant but it all changed once there son/daughter aws out in the real world :D I think everything upsets us more with our hormones too.

As Melanie says I think he needs to go and buy you loads of choc, mmm galaxy! :D
have you tried crying littlelady. I always findthat works. Men can't cope with female hysteria,. Try and cry and become more and more hysterical . :clap: Yeah that the answer!
Oh yeah, tears always work well, I usaully get a good few days of extra considerate behaviour then! :D
Oh yeah crying i recommend that too. Crying got me some very nice shoes last saturday :lol:
no he didnt come to the scan with me as i only found out the day before i had it. We have started to talk about saving money and stuff and making a little room in his new house for the baby and we might even live together, i just wish he had just been a little more sensitive towards it thats all, he is a good person really:) ive tried cryin though and it does actually work but only for a short while:)

Men are men lol once he sees the baby he will change .
i bet thats why it doesnt seem really to him if he didnt see the scan, its easy for us women to get attached to the baby inside us as we can feel then kick and move and then the scan images help us imagen or babies inside.

but if he has not seen the LO move etc, it must be hard for him to picture! def make him come to next one. xxxxx
dont worry babes men arnt great for showing how they fiance never talks about getting things for the baby or much either..but when i see his face at the scans and when we hear the heartbeat i can see he sure your fella will be the same at your 20 week scan...
well i hope he can come coz i wan thim to see it really bad, 5 months a week today:)

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