It gets harder every time!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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:( AF is making an appearance!!

Im heartbroken, out of all our cycles trying, this month felt different. I did everything right, we have sex loads, i didnt drink, i ate healthy i stayed stress free! What more can i do??

I broke down crying on my OH, and i could see the pain in his face. He had been so positive about this cycle. I hate seeing him hurt over this.

Is it worth me calling the ACU to tell em im starting my 3rd Clomid cycle? I cant wait any longe for the 'more effective treatment'

I ovulated, i saw the egg and i felt the pain. I felt twinges 5/6 days later, everything was so promising :(

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I'm really sorry Chaz :hug:

I know it's not any comfort but you have to remember that all clomid does is make you ovulate like everyone else. Not many people catch on their first or second cycle.

You'd be best off looking at it like you'll be pregnant by the time you finish clomid and take it one step at a time.

If they thought that you ovulated this cycle then i don't know why they'd suggest a more effective treatment unless they are going for a couple of eggs each cycle?
Hi Chaz, nothing to add as I know it completely sucks.:hugs: Just wanted to send you a big hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww Sorry hun, its draining all this isnt it :hugs:You know the exact same thing happend to me, i saw to follicles last month really big too, i deffo ovulated & i felt what i thought was implantation pain around cycle day 6/7 but i got a bfn. It sucks big time, so i know how your feeling & i feel so sorry for our other halfs :( i said to mine a few nights ago, what if we had 5 babies from this tamoxifen i am taking & his face light up, he said that would be amazing! & i felt so sorry that i cant give him what he wants. :( Dust yourself off & start the clomid again babe, fingers crossed this next cycle will be lucky for you. X
Ah hun, like the ladies say think of it that you will be pg by end of clomid treatment :) otherwise it's too much heart ache when AF shows her face at the end of each cycle.

Just keep on at how you are doing don't change anything. You are doing everything right so you don't need to worry there. It will happen one way or another but some of us end up with the sh**ty end of the stick jumping through endless hoops to get there!

I really do feel for you, and sending you a big big hug! Xxx
Do you know what Chaz its just horrible! I can feel your pain i really can . Just shitty really shitty but you need to try and stay positive i know its hard when everytin was just so right. Massive hugs and love x x x
My AF turned up yesterday too :( soul destroying every bleeeping month :(

But we do brush ourselves off and go again :)
I'm hoping and praying now I've moved my new gp will refer me to a specialist cos I'm on metformin but I wana go further do more cos don't know if metformin gona work x x
Thanks girls :hug:

I was on a propa downer when i started this thread. I actually sobbed my heart out, felt like having a movie moment and getting into the shower fully clothed and crying in a heap at the bottom untill OH came and rescued me lol. Then i dreamt i was cuddling my own baby girl in my arms :cry:

He stays positive for me, he aleays has done. I just get bummed out. Especially when i find out his 16 year old cousin who has no job, criminal record, smokes drinks etc etc is expecting a baby with his girlfriend! It hurts so bad!

Im gonna try stay stress free again, im embarking on a new project with work for a week or so. Keep up with fresh fruit and veg etc. But having a well earned glass or 2 of rose whilst curling up on sofa in my jimmys and my OH and hot water bottle :)

Louise - i think the 'more effective' treatment would by lap + dye/ ovarian drilling. I didnt ask. They leaving us to it till Decembers cycle :( but i can ask for my bloods to be done if i felt it necessary, but they said scan showed tablets showing ovulating on 50mg.

So im gonna try not bum myself out anymore xxxxx
Aww Chaz I've just caught up with things, I'm sorry she got you. It sounds like a good plan to chill in your PJ's with some vino. Glad your OH is being so supportive, and you WILL get there just remember that. I predict it will be lucky number 3 clomid cycle. Baby dust xxx
Sorry Chaz :-( So crap! We have all been there for sure. It will happen for you, just try and keep the faith (I'm about to break into song here!) xxx
I am really gutted for you Chaz, I know exactly what you are feeling as I went throught it myself last cycle :hugs:

It sounds like you have a very strong and very suppotive partner and christ knows we need one of them going through all this crap.

You should ask about the operation if thats where you would like to see yourself heading as its a 3 - 4 month wait so better to get a head start as early as possible.

Stay strong sweetie it will happen xxxxxxxxx
Oh Chaz, just catching up! Its shit every time the witch arrives. Your oh sounds great. So hard but keep trying to stay positive! Xxx

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