is worried about my baby!


May 23, 2011
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Hey there would just like to share that im worried about my baby I am 13 weeks and two days had my 12 week scan last wednesday everything is looking good so thats a good sign! The problem is I have type 1 Diabetes only got diagnosed in December so Im new to that my blood sugar keeps going to low or to high and sometimes I produce keytones (really bad). I have already been in and out of hospital a million times in the last 13 weeks been admitted twice I feel like I cant enjoy my pregnancy cause of worrying to much about what my diabetes is doing to the baby anybody else in this situation? Stacey x
Sorry I'm not diabetic but hope your ok. Tri 1 is such a worrying time as well!
My brother is type 1 diabetic so I understand that you are new to it and struggling to get stabilised. He went through the exact same thing but to be honest, once he was stabilised it was just a matter of being able to identify when he was taking a low and reacting to it accordingly.

I never realised just how much a woman worries through her pregnancy even when she is delighted about it. Needless to say that the fact that you are pregnant is an added and massive worry. It sounds like you are doing everything right in that you are keeping in close contact with the necessary medical professionals to ensure baby is ok at all times.

I hope you are able to get on top of the diabeties soon so that you can begin to properly enjoy pregnancy xxx

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