IS this silly- going on holiday skiing


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Well i found out i was pregnant last week which myself and OH are thrilled about- But, slight problem is that we booked nearly a year ago to go skiing and are due to go in 2 weeks time.
firstly i'm worried about flying so early in my pregnancy and secondly about falling over on the ice/snow- wont be skiing now but will just relax around the spa.
Is it silly to fly in the first trimester? i know they say you shouldnt in the third.
hmmm tough one. If it was me, i'd probably fly :think: Could you ring NHS direct and see what they think?

Definitely don't ski though :lol:
I went skiing over new year. I had 1 wipe out but didn't hurt myself, just lost it on ice and due to the ice and steepness of that slope couldn't stop for a while until somebody decided to try and stop me. Needless to say I sent them flying as well.

When I got back from holiday, 3 days later I took a test and got my BFP.

I don't believe their is any risk in flying. However I am not sure that spa's will be allowed? I was told not to go in the spa pool while I was pregnant last time. I was also told not to ski, had been planning on going on a last minute deal but the doctor told me no shouldn't ski. So we didn't.
THe problem with spa pools etc is the temperature of the water and the fact that it tends to habour more bacteria **i think anyway**

There are other things you can enjoy there - you just have to use common sense.

I ~personally~ would fly. Baby is well protected in there but at the end of the day best bet it so seek professional advice and to ask yourself if you think it is OK to go. It's your body and your pregnancy at the end of the day :hug:
I'm going on holiday on Tuesday- thought I would be about 11 weeks so not too early to fly but I just found I'm only 8 weeks when I fly!!!
I'm not worried Bout the flying in first tri at all- just make sure you tke half an aspirin before the flight, keep well hydrated and exercise your legs to prevent dvt (which were more succeptible to while pregnant).
Have a lovely holiday xxx
thanks for the advice, wont worry about the flying thing then- will just have to fight the urge to go skiing and sit by the pool with a book instead :wall:
is it ok to take aspirin when pregnant?
Yes baby aspirin or a quarter of a normal adult dose is ok and Only In exceptional circumstances like flying. As long as you're not taking it daily or past 32 weeks it's ok as a one off to prevent blood clotting.
great , thanks for that, off to chemist again then.

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