Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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I had my little boy on Monday 30th April and now, over two weeks later I suddenly started getting some blood clots. I have been bleeding for the last two weeks and I know this is normal (about the strength of a period, sometimes less sometimes more). I just wondered if it is normal to get clots after two weeks though as so far it has just been loose blood? I also want to know if it is safe to keep taking iron tablets (pregaday) as I am assuming with the lochia that my iron levels will be low.

Any advice would be appreciated thanks ladies!
how big are the clots? have you any tummy pains?
The clots are quite small, like the size of a pea but there were quite a few. I haven't had tummy pains but some weird sensations down below at times like twinges and obviously soreness (I had stitches).
hello dinski
i lost lots of clots big and little and found out i had a womb infection but with the clots i had bad headackes and sorry if tmi :oops: but it stunk the blood really smelt bad!
i also had yellow around my eyes and wanted to sleep alot!
go see your HV or GP just to be safe!
I remember my MW told me that if I had any clots that I should contact the GP and get it checked out ..........

best to get it checked out to put your mind at rest :)

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