i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice please. On the 18th Dec I found out i was having an ectopic pregnancy at 9 weeks pregnant. the baby almost made it to the womb being on the edge of it and just on the edge of my tube. I had previously had my tubes checked for any blockages as we had been TTC for 2 years and the results was good. Hence i dont know why i had the ectopic. Anyway I started bleeding again on thursday this week and its almost like a period. Could it be my period? or is it related to the surgery? I'm not soaking a pad in less than an hour. If it is my period does that mean my body is getting back to normal? and how will i work out when i will ovalate next as i dont want to get pregnant again too early. my periods before was 31-35 days regular. However if this is my period I worked it out as if it would be early, as the week I had my opperation i would of been due for my 2nd period, hence the confusion. Oh, i would just like to say Im sorry for everyone's losses on this page. May the future be bright for you all