is this enough food???


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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I am a bit worried that Isla isn't eating enough :? She will be 5 weeks on Monday, and she eats every 3 - 4 hours. I usually feed her on demand - I use 3 hours as a guideline but I wait for her to show the signs that she is hungry before I feed her (sucking fingers, crying etc) and during the night I wait until she wakes up wather than wake her every 3 hours to feed. Hope that makes sense!

Anyhow, she doesn't seem to take very much at each feed. On average she only takes about 80ml, which is less than 3oz. Very occasionally she will have 120ml which is about 4oz...but this might only happen maybe once a day if we're lucky. Her feeding pattern at the moment is like this:

7 - 8am
10.30 - 11.30am
1.30 - 2.30pm
5.30 - 6.30pm
8 - 9pm
12 - 1am
3.30 - 4.30am

She takes a feed between these times :? I didn't realise until I just wrote this down, but she has about 7 feeds a day :shock: So that gives me another question; do I reduce this, or do I keep feeding her on demand? That also works out to about 21oz if we're going on 80ml feeds...

:wall: I'm so confused and I don't know what to do! Can anyone help???

C xxx
Don't worry, you're doing the right thing feeding her on demand. In the first couple of weeks I used to write down what she had and when she had it but gave up when I realised there was no pattern and she was feeding however much she wanted when she wanted. It's just what ickle ones do.

Eventually as she gets older and her tum gets a bit bigger she'll take more per feed and less often - it will happen before you know it! You're doing fine as you are :hug:
I agree and posted something similar as I thought upto 8 feeds might be too much.

I have found that Hayden has a similar pattern some days he will rinse majority of his 4oz feeds others he'll only have roughly 3 out of the four and a few feeds he'll just have 2oz...

I guess they are like us, sometimes we have a big fat dinner other times we only have a little or maybe a snack, go with the flow, i think once they get bigger they will start to be more consistant...

Also maybe give some water once or twice a day but you'll know how she feels. Ignore the guidlines on the tin 3-4oz is a good amount at this point.

Oh another thing is sometimes I find Hayden will have 2oz then stop so i burp him, he does a burp and then continues with the rest I know he's completly done when he purses his lips.

Sounds to me like your doing a fabby job hon!

xx :hug:
Your doing fantastic hun! As are you Sharne :hug: :hug:

Feed bubs when bubs wants food. At that age Corey took no more than 3oz every 3 hours! And fed as offten as your LO.

Your doing perfect, keep going as you are, if lo is hungry she will eat! :D

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