Is this a tooth?

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Sorry about the pic quality but it's hard to get a pic with charley's mouth open without his Tongue getting in the way! Lol

It's the front bottom left tooth.

On his gum there's like a little slit with a tiny bit of White. If it is I'm hoping it won't take long to come through
It doesn't seem to be bothering him, he's still a happy chappy so if it is a tooth, will it start hurting when it's proper breaking through?
When lace teethed, she just seemed to get a tooth, she never really had problems so I'm hoping charley will be the same!
I think it probably is. Oscar has the same thing. It feels quite sharp to the touch. He's been very sad for days :(
I can just about make it out, but pretty sure that is a little peggle!! I hope Oz hurries up coz it's causing him agony, he was screeeeaming so bad this morning trying to get both fists in his mouth had to give him calpol in the end coz teething gel didn't even take the edge off.
looks like one to me hun they are normally kind of glassy when first peeping through aaaawww! xxx
Sounds like a tooth-kieron's got the lol White bit,I'm just waitin for the tooth to push thru :)
Aww thanks guys!! I'm hoping it doesnt cause him any problems. I didn't want him to teethe yet but now I can't wait to see a little tooth there!! x x
Yay for a tooth! His 2nd one won't be too far behind!
Did drakes cause him problems? Charley's still happy, I don't want him to get grumpy :( he's also still sleeping 12 hours at night and I don't want teething to disturb that. I'm so happy I've got my sleep back, I don't think I'd cope having to get up in the night again!
Marleys had the same thing for about 3 months and is still toothless!!!!
lol so was i!!! =((( his toothbrush is ready n waiting next to mine and oh's! lol
I haven't even thought about getting him a toothbrush yet! He's got a teething toothbrush that he never uses though. I'll get one for him next time I go shopping!
No, it didn't seem to bother him in the days but he'd had a night or 2 of disturbed sleep before they popped out. In your pic that's what he had and within a day or two it was a full on tooth.
We had exactly the same with Pauric :) He got his 1st tooth last thurday when he was exactly 6th months :) then he got his 2nd the next day! He was abit upset Wednesday night and really gave his fists a a chewing :(

I nearly cried when I found the tooth :oooo:
Tap it with a tea spoon chaz lol
And you will hear the tap if it's a tooth
Well done charley I'm sure it is xxxxx
I've had a feel of it this morning and it's sharp!! I think we finally have a teething babba!!
YAY! Cant wait to see cam's first tooth. No sign of any teething yet!

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