At last! We have a tooth!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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AT LAST Tom's got a tooth!
He didn't sleep brilliantly last night so I went in and put some teething gel on his gums and felt this little sharp tooth poking out! There is another one just under the surface waiting to pop through too!
I felt all emotional! My little boy is growing up!
awww bless ya,

They come out of no were eh :wink:

keep that teething gel chilled hun, they apparently come in 4's :shock:

Have you got any new era teething tablets? there fab :)
lozzi said:
awww bless ya,

They come out of no were eh :wink:

keep that teething gel chilled hun, they apparently come in 4's :shock:

Have you got any new era teething tablets? there fab :)

They come in fours??? :shock: Are you kidding me??? :shock: Oh my God...that means no sleep for Mummy! Eeek!

Haven't got any New Era tablets but heard they were good. When do you give them? Does the teething keep Ellouise up in the night?

LucyBee said:
lozzi said:
awww bless ya,

They come out of no were eh :wink:

keep that teething gel chilled hun, they apparently come in 4's :shock:

Have you got any new era teething tablets? there fab :)

They come in fours??? :shock: Are you kidding me??? :shock: Oh my God...that means no sleep for Mummy! Eeek!

Haven't got any New Era tablets but heard they were good. When do you give them? Does the teething keep Ellouise up in the night?


I get mine in holland and barratt. There fab.

Yeah, tonight is no exception every half hour.... :l

Not good :s
Minxy said:
Aw, Pea with a Peg! :cheer:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Wish I'd thought of that!

Thanks girls for all your messages!
I'm off to Holland and Barratt to buy some New Era tablets today!

Lozzi and Nic - you were right!
I see another little peggie this morning!'s exciting! :cheer:
:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
Go on Tom!
Yes they def come in 2 and 4's. Dan had 1 on top and a week later he had all four!
Misslarue said:
:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
Go on Tom!
Yes they def come in 2 and 4's. Dan had 1 on top and a week later he had all four!

Poor little things! Imagine the pain?!!

I heard they get used to it after the first four??? (here's hoping!)
yey tom you clever boy :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

luke first 2 came up together!! thought he was special obviously not!! :lol:

also luke didn't get on with new era everyone different i guess but he likes ambosol gel (has higher concentrate of lignocaine to soothe gums) just a tip if you find the granules don't work!! and lots of medised!! :lol:

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