is there anything u wished u knew before becoming a parent?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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hi ladies, i was just sitting here looking at harry sleep and thinking to myself and wondering is there anything u wish u knew when becoming a parent?

mine would be how tired i would feel all the time and how much i love being a parent
How expensive they are, even after my 1st I thought nah I just need this that and that and I'm done, how wrong I was. The sick thing is it only gets worse.
how quick they grow and take LOADS of pics.
I just cannot believe how big Mia has gotten and how fast she is changing....
she is only 12 weeks old but i can't believe she is the same baby that was placed on my chest all helpless. i cherish every single moment :love:
How difficult it is! I never knew how bad being sleep deprived really was. I also would have skipped all the fretting about losing my figure.
U don't realise how hard it is being a parent , it was a huge shock for me xx
How much you worry and how much you are totally and utterly consumed with how much you love them. How many hours you can just watch them. How they can be a complete pickle and then they look at you and smile and your heart melts. :)

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How insignificant everything else has become. All those little things that used to worry me ie money, how the house was decorated etc I literally do not care about anything else other than my OH and my Angel :) also just how much more careful I am, especially driving etc. How seeing her smile and knowing she is happy and well looked after makes me wanna cry with pure happiness :D xx
How I just want to take pictures of her all the time. I never thought I could get this caught up in anyone!
U don't realise how hard it is being a parent , it was a huge shock for me xx


And especially those first few weeks......oh my god they were so difficult!!
how much of a dick her dad was going to be after she was born, i would of been better if i had left him wouldnt of had the stress and depression i suffered thanks to him x x x
How tough breast feeding is And how perseverance is the trick. So wish i stuck with it. Feel so guilty but Leandro seems a lot more at ease now but can't help feeling bad. Also about the blue Mongolia Mark darker skinned babies have And the vitamin d drops. So annoyed he Went 4 weeks without them and so panicked about the mongolian Mark. And How quick they change. Where's my newborn gone? I miss being able to change his clothes without his fist trying to go in his mouth xxx
How much love you can feel for 1 tiny little person and how different and primal that love it compared to the love you feel for everyone else! Even now 9 months on I look at my Son and think 'wow, I made him!' :) x
How many different emotions you go through in the first few weeks and how hard it can be on your relationship.

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Didn't know it was possible to miss someone whilst they are still in the room. When he's asleep at night it's all I can do to not pick him up and give him a big schmussy cuddle.
How hard it is and how the first few weeks you get no emotion back from lo which makes it even harder!! Can't wait for smiles so I feel the love back xx
How emotional he would make me! Before LO came along my OH had seen me cry once in the last 2 weeks he's seen me cry 3 times...for someone that doesn't cry especially in front of people that's a lot! :)
Didn't know it was possible to miss someone whilst they are still in the room. When he's asleep at night it's all I can do to not pick him up and give him a big schmussy cuddle.

Took the words right from me hun. When she's upstairs sleeping all I do is think about her and I've got this cheesy grin on my face and all I wanna do is run upstairs and give her lots of kisses and cuddles :) Also thinking about her literally 24/7 I don't think anyone (apart from OH) or anything has had this much thought about them all the time :D x

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