Is there any food/activity you miss whilst pregnant?

I miss poached eggs and blue cheese. I'll miss the alcohol on Christmas day. We usually start with Bucks Fizz, hammer the Bailey's and go downhill from there! :lol:

I had just be getting in to cycling too, but I fell off the bike when I was four and half weeks pregnant. I enjoy it but I'm not too steady or confident on the bike, so it's a no no till next year now. ;)
Booze in general.

It's really un-PC to admit to needing it in socaial situations, but I feel such a bore without it. Went to Christmas do last night which was in a full-on 70's club with a light up dancefloor. That's my idea of heaven but I didn't know anyone and was sober :? Had a little dance but kept imagining being there with friends and laggered :(

I left my Christmas party at 2pm today cause it was starting to get lairy. People start chatting on a whole new wavelength and I can't share.
DaisieBee said:
I miss my vodka and cokes... occasionally miss smoking, but if i go near anyone who is makes me feel sick... really miss sex, DH wont as too worried, despite my reassurance... i miss fitting into nice clothes!
But honestly, wouldnt change a thing! :D

Yeah I sometime miss having a ciggy, but determined not to go back to it once ive had the baby!! I gave up the minute I found out I was pregnant. :D OH has given up too.

I also really miss runny fried eggs to dip your chips in. I miss cider, particulary Magners with ice.
I love peanuts, and am still eating the odd bit of peanut butter :oops: but am going to try and refrain from having handfuls of peanuts this xmas...shame!

A thoroughly good night sleep would be much appreciated too. :D
EllieBelle said:
Hun, Mayonnaise is absolutely fine to eat, as long as its not homemade (which is a rare find these days), Helmans, McDonalds mayo etc is absolutely fine!!!!

You can also eat nuts, its just peanuts they tell you to avoid if you have allergies in the family - otherwise they are fine too!!!

Looks like you have been missing out on yummy things which you can eat :(

I have missed horse-riding more than anything, but as I no longer have my own horse wouldnt have risked riding a horse I didnt know! I would love a bit of Stilton this Xmas, but thats a definite no go!!

Yeah i know about mayo now, but up till recently i wasn't allowed to eat it, as my bf or brother would have throttled me. My bf went and asked his doctor if i was allowed to eat it, thats why i finally got my McChicken sandwich that i'd been pratically dreaming of :D

Is it just if you have people in your family that you cant eat peanuts or any kinda allergy, i.e hayfever etc....? I only ask as theres asthma (which in itself attratcs allergies) and hayfever in my family.

Oooh fried eggs and chips, god i miss that too!
apparently now, theyre looking to change the advice on peanuts to its ok for everyone to eat them, regardless of allergies. it was on the food standards website
Ive been having poached eggs :o darn it, i didnt realise.
I really miss fizzy pop, I know there is no harm having it but it makes me feel so sick thinking about it. But i really miss pate, the carmalised onion chutney just isn't the same without the pate! My mam often wonders why we stress out so much about eating the right/wrong things, as she said years ago there was very little health in pregnancy guidelines and still the majority of babies were born fine and healthy!?!?!?!
I reaally miss sleeping right through the night without getting up to pee, and sitting up wide awake cos i cnt get comfy or cos im itchy lol.. but whenm the babys here i wont be sleeping right through for a while anyway so its good im getting used to it.

i also really miss being able to eat a nice big dinner and not wanting to throw it up after, or it just sitting on my chest with the indigestion! i hope bubs is here b4 xmas day (ha wishful thinking!) so i can enjoy a huge roast dinner and chocs after without feeling crap after all day lol!

i honestly have not missed the booze, notsure why? just havnt,,prob just the thought of drinking anything alchaholic gives me heartburn lol!

I miss garlic..chicken kievs mmm! and pizza! allowed to eat these things but the baby seems to haaate them if i eat them im up alll night with it repeating on me lol! so best avoided now!

i also really thought i missed pate n the other day i gave in and bought some n had some on toast (naughty i know!!) and it was nowhere near as great as i expected so i threw it out lol! must be bubs telling me its bad for her.
Hey Christmasbabygirl,
this i have trouble eating Chicken Kievs too, baby dont seem to like them.
By the way, are you from Andover, Hampshire? I was there on thursday :D
haha its horrible i miss them loads but she just not having it lol
yeah im from little ol andover lol, in hants.. what brought u here then? its not very exciting lol!
christmasbabygirl said:
haha its horrible i miss them loads but she just not having it lol
yeah im from little ol andover lol, in hants.. what brought u here then? its not very exciting lol!

Well hopefully after shes born, your be able to eat as many Kievs as you want :D
My boyfriend lives in ive spent some time there. Yeah it is abit quite lol Nothing like where i live.
yeah its pretty crappy here lol! iv lived here all my life lol!!
everyone knows everyones business, its like eastenders!
We used to go to london/middlesex most weekends to get away lol!
no its nothing like london! and yes i cannot waaait to eat what i want again lol! hopefully shes here b4 xmas so i can enjoy a bit roast:D
christmasbabygirl said:
yeah its pretty crappy here lol! iv lived here all my life lol!!
everyone knows everyones business, its like eastenders!
We used to go to london/middlesex most weekends to get away lol!
no its nothing like london! and yes i cannot waaait to eat what i want again lol! hopefully shes here b4 xmas so i can enjoy a bit roast:D

Lol, where my bf lives its very "Americanised", like how the houses look with there white picket fences....they'd be covered in graffettii if there were in London :lol:
You think you'd move then? I was originally gonna move to Andover, but i'm sticking in London now for a few more years.
I really miss fish sushi and raw cake mix. Oh and all the various cheeses I'm not allowed. I also really miss being able to go for long walks up the hills. I will certainly be making up for it as soon as the baby is born!
haha dunno where that cud be..cant think of any houses like that.. i live next to the fire station lol:D
yeah i wud deffo move tomoro if we could and if OH was offered a job somehwere else or we could get a house somwhere...anywhere lol! its not v nice here really. i suppose were lucky as theres not as much crime as in some parts of london or manch or big cities though..the surroundin villages are lovely id like to live there but im not a millionaire lol
christmasbabygirl said:
haha dunno where that cud be..cant think of any houses like that.. i live next to the fire station lol:D
yeah i wud deffo move tomoro if we could and if OH was offered a job somehwere else or we could get a house somwhere...anywhere lol! its not v nice here really. i suppose were lucky as theres not as much crime as in some parts of london or manch or big cities though..the surroundin villages are lovely id like to live there but im not a millionaire lol

Lol well it looks kinda Americanised to me :) Yeah ive seen some of thr big houses there, must cost a fortune!!!
Maybe your get that move soon, fingers crossed for ya hun :D
I miss having a drink, joining in all the christmas nihgts out, clubbing, having a figure, wearing stylish clothes & feeling good about myself!

But it's all worth it :D
Alcohol, pate, shellfish, blue cheeses, going for a run, nice clothes, an uninterrupted sleep, sex... I could go on!!!

I wouldn't change anything for the world though.

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