Is there any food/activity you miss whilst pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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I really REALLY missed mayonaise (as i read it werent good for pregnancy because of raw eggs) i went from week 5 to finding out i was pregnant till week 15 without any mayo (though i did have a weak moment and try have some on a burger, for which my brother promptly told me of lol).....but i had a McChicken sandwhich on tuesday, and it werent as great as i thought it was :? TYPICAL!!! Also i do missed a certain chocolate that passed round at xmas that contains nuts, nuts and more nuts....would tell you the name but cant spell it, think round and in a gold wrapper!

Is there anything you really miss food wise or even activity wise? I realised i cant go to an amusement park a few days ago and was really dissapointed, EVEN THOUGH, i didn't actually want to go to one, its just knowing that i cant.

We are massive xmas boozers in my family and im so gutted im the allocated driver lol.

Cant wait to go out and actually be able to have a drink haha :oops:

well when i was preganant i missed SEX :rotfl:

missed prawns and philidelphia cheese.
Hun, Mayonnaise is absolutely fine to eat, as long as its not homemade (which is a rare find these days), Helmans, McDonalds mayo etc is absolutely fine!!!!

You can also eat nuts, its just peanuts they tell you to avoid if you have allergies in the family - otherwise they are fine too!!!

Looks like you have been missing out on yummy things which you can eat :(

I have missed horse-riding more than anything, but as I no longer have my own horse wouldnt have risked riding a horse I didnt know! I would love a bit of Stilton this Xmas, but thats a definite no go!!
greendayrock said:
well when i was preganant i missed SEX :rotfl:

missed prawns and philidelphia cheese.

Well I have continued having all of these too.........all are fine :D
I know i wanted sex but the oh didnt :) as for prawns and philly u believe what people tell ya with your first. :D
I cant believe two Christmases in a row with no alcohol :shakehead: :shakehead:
I miss horse riding :( I gave up at about 10 weeks as my horse was unwell and i thought it wasn't a good time to start riding a horse i don't know. Food-wise there's nothing i miss. I have tried to cut down on caffeine but am still drinking a few cups of tea a day :wink:
ella said:
I cant believe two Christmases in a row with no alcohol :shakehead: :shakehead:

This is my third totally sober Christmas and will probably be four in a row next year as I plan to b/feed this one too! Have demanded my Mum gets in some posh Shloer! I don't drink a lot but do miss the odd glass of wine, particularly at Christmas!

I'm a bit naughty and even eat the odd brie and cranberry panini. There's nothing I really miss food wise, but I do really really miss feeling well (not sick!).

Valentine Xxx
Skiing - we've for every New Year we've been together - this is our first one at home but I wouldn't have it any other way! :D

Medium steak - yum yum And since Xmas has arrived in our house peanuts, we have salted, dry roasted AND honey roasted and I can't have any because stupid Hubby has asthma! Booo! :lol:

Although the BBC did report a couple of days ago that it was alright to eat peanuts. Someone on here posted this:

Oh and Christmas won't be the same without a large Bailey's!
I miss clubbing! I used to go clubbing in London on a friday night and fall into bed at 7:30 on a saturday morning at least once a month! The other weekends I'd go out on Saturday nght and get really drunk with my friends and spend Sunday chilling out :wink: not much chance of me doing either of those things while pregnant lol! xxx
I used to go to the gym 3 times a week before i was preg, I know I can still go but i dont have the motivation right now. Im going to miss drinking at xmas but I will still have my xmas morning champagne but i will half and half it with OJ this time.

I still eat prawns, mayo and nuts too!
mine has to be drinking, esp as i have just had my 30th :cry: :rotfl:

i miss runny eggs, but to be honest have given in a few times, cos i buy the most expensive eggs that have the lion stamp on, so i know they are pretty safe

someone mentioned baileys :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
oooooooh yeah miss baileys! havent fancied any wine which i used to drink frequently
I miss my vodka and cokes... occasionally miss smoking, but if i go near anyone who is makes me feel sick... really miss sex, DH wont as too worried, despite my reassurance... i miss fitting into nice clothes!
But honestly, wouldnt change a thing! :D

I hardly even used to have it before, but now i can't i reallly want some! Plus now it's xmas there are all these fancy pants Pate pots everywhere! Christmas food you can't have just seems to be following me around at the moment :rotfl:
Not sure if there's anything i miss food wise as most things been told not to eat i didnt really eat before, im a real fussy bugger with food anyways so takes me ages to decied what i want! :lol:

Thing i Miss MOST is Horse Riding, i have my own and doing all the jobs etc for him i love but i havent ridden since about i was 10 weeks pregnant or before, however OH is letting me sit on him christmas day and have a walk around im so excited! I have a lady riding him a few times a week for me who i teach at work, mind you im sure he'd be happy not doing any work! :lol: (Least i'll be back in the saddle for summer and hacking out!!!!) :lol:

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