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Is the meaning of obese 'thinner' nowadays?


Active Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Since going for my first MW appointment (I was 9 weeks at the time) and having her tell me I'm obese, I've just been worried sick about this pregnancy.

I really don't get it, I'm size 12 top, 14 bottoms and still am now at 14+ weeks with twins, but am smaller now than when I started slimming world a couple years ago, I was size 18 and not classed as obese.

Could this all be baby weight? It just seems way too much. I am wondering if the marker for obesity has been moved.

I'm really not enjoying my pregnancy. It seems that all the problems I may encounter have taken the joy away. I keep forgetting that I was pretty much the same size with my other kids and all was fine.

This is really stressing me out, which is probably worse for the babes than being a few pounds over what they say I should be.

Rant over!!
I don't think being a size 12/14 is obsese at all, especially if you're having twins!!

Everyone puts on different amounts of weight, try not to worry :hugs:
Hiya hun, Even when I was a size 12-14 I was still classed as obese at 5'8". If you added and inch I was normal weight....

I have a big frame, large bones and quite a lot of muscle, which all weigh a bit more than fat... My body fat was less than 33% which I was told was great....

BMI is a bit daft but they want something to measure by....

Don't worry about it if you know you're eating well and haven't gained much weight :)

Several people I know are "clinically obese" and they look gorgeous - I wouldn't even class them as fat, let alone obese!! I think that doctors are a bit paranoid about it these days imho! xx
im a 14/16 top and a 16 bottom, and I have to say when I had my first midwife appointment she made me feel like I was the size of a house!

If you just listened to how she was talking without seeing me you would honestly have expected someone not able to fit in her chair lol

I was shocked because she doesnt know me and doesnt know whether her comments might make me do something silly like starve myself...luckily Im not like that and will carry on as normal as I can (although I am struggling to eat and keep it down at the mo)

Also she was talking to me like I eat 6 burgers for lunch swilled down with a litre of coke lol when infact I dont like stuff like that and we pretty much always eat nice home made meals with lots of veggies, I learnt long ago this is just 'my' size, but she really made me feel poo

Im just going to carry on eating as healthy as poss, but it wont stop me having a bit of choc if thats what I fancy :)
try not to worry about it, plenty of women of all sizes and health levels have babies every day :)
I'm an 18 and my BMI is 30, but midwife was pleased with me as weigh less than I did a year ago, and also she said that even at BMI 30 I'm low risk so can't see why your midwives are so mean
Thanks ladies.

I know my MW was only doing her job, but she certainly did put the fear of god in me! I'm high risk anyway which doesn't help. I totally agree about drs being real paranoid, it seems stick thin is the only weight we should be!

I also felt as if I was big as a house, made worse by the list of possible complications.....I really must stop and remember I'm happy with me and I eat healthily, plus my other 3 children were perfect when they were born.

I had my first non scary dream about the babies last night so maybe that's a sign I'm calming down!
i got told the same at my first appt. im 5ft1 about a 14/16 n weighed 80kg n that made my bmi 30... therefore obese.....

ive been healthy all the way through and only put on 5kg, they have to measure in bmi even tho its not really reliable to size people on and just upsets pple,

eat healthy and the baby comes first, sod the midwife!!!

i cant remem what my bmi was when pg altho i know it was in the 30s :s... and my gp was AMAZING!! he told me weight had NO bearing on it whatsoever! he said ideally of course better to be a healthy weight as 1 CAN be easier to conceive (altho i got pg both times in first month) but he said more importantly its the carrying of the child can be uncomfortable if the person puts on a lot more weight... he told me not to worry and if i found myself gaining loads quickly cut back to healthy eating and no junk...

hes not even a shit gp he's amazing at everything! :D and i love him... he is sooo lovely to kids and always tells u to appreciate them etc etc and after my mc i went to him and ended up in tears cos i googled lol and blamed my weight for my mc and he told me to go and get pregnant and quit fussing lol that it wasnt my fault ... he then went on to tell me

that him and his wife couldnt have kids, had tried lots of ivf and cudnt anymore and cudnt adopt , dont know what their reasons were ... i ended up crying more over that lmao!!

so my point is dont worry bout stupid small minded people and as for hv's quote from my gp "dont listen to a word that comes outta their mouths unless its wat u want to hear bcos 1 theyre reading from a book and 2 theyre only allowed to preach theyre not allowed to tell u what they wud actually do themselves" :D xx
I'm 5ft 2" and just over 12st I think. I was a 14 all over before I got pregnant. My bmi is now 30 as well. BMI is so flawed. I've had huge issues with my weight in the past but I would never endanger my baby. Some days I manage to eat healthy and other days I slip and eat rubbish. No point in feeling bad because that's just a vicious circle. If I know I'm trying my best then that's all I can do. My mw thankfully hasn't been nasty about it yet.

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I'm 5' 1" and a size 12 on top and 14 bottom, and when I was weighed I felt awful, think I am 12 stone now, I've already put a stone on since falling pregnant! I was about to diet before finding out, but now (especially with the cold weather) I'm embracing it! I would rather have some insulation this time of year anyway lol!
I also feel my little man has a bit more protection than if I was as thin as I used to be! I don't eat badly or anything I just have to work extremely hard to shift weight which wouldn't be healthy right now!
But don't worry hun, think alot of us are feeling larger than ever at the moment!

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