Is she eating enough?

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Hi all,

I've been trying to get Brooke into a routine this last week, it's early days but I've been keeping a recor of how much she's eating, how often etc and I'm worried she's not getting enough...

I have a book that says she should be having between 22-30oz and according the the formula tin for her weight she should be having 25oz a day. The last week she's had between 18.5oz a day and 27oz (a hungry day), and seems to be averaging 18oz per day, this doesn't seem like a lot at all.

She's not fussing for food and she's not a scrawny baby by any stretch but is anyone else's baby like this? She has tended to eat little and often but is starting to go longer for her feeds now.

Ignore what it days on the tin, go by what Brooke wants.
Try to drag her feeds out to every 4 hours so she drinks more x x
Agree with above really, just ignore the tin. Its only a rough guide anyway. Paige was never eating what was 'recommended'. She would only go maximum of 3 hours between feeds as well so she was a little and often baby. Tbh, I just fed on demand as it changed everyday how much and how often she was feeding.

I found that she fell into a rountine on her own, as most babies do. It could be worth just taking a note and seeing if she already has a bit of a rountine herself. :)
I don't go by the tin at all, I only did for about the first few days! Flynn has no settled into his own flexible routine, he only has 4 major feeds a day and he takes 6oz each time and then fusses for more occasionally! I wouldn't worry about it unless she starts to lose weight! x

EDIT: and as long as her nappy changes are still normal, that's what i got told to watch out for while in hospital! x
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I'm having the opposite problem! So I can't really help hun, but I suppose by what the other girls have said that it's only a really rough guide on the tin.

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