Is my baby now head down?

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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You are now going to say to me:- "you've been bloody lucky so far!"

But I must say that up until yesterday my little one hasn't really been in touch with my bladder excessively. He's had his moments but not excessive.

But yesterday he was on my bladder constantly. I had to go to the loo so many times I think the Andrex share price has gone up!

Could this mean that he has decided to be head down?

oooooo.. he's just done it again. (runs off to the loo..........)
was he breech before then?

could be that hes just got bigger and is running out of room, maybe thats why your starting to feel it more on your bladder?
My LO has been head down since 27 weeks and only in the last few weeks I'd say that my need to pee has become more of an urgency than before. I think for me it's his lack of space. His feet are on that side usually so spends all night kicking it too :roll:
Mine has been head down for weeks but now its at least 3/5ths engaged when it moves about I get the sudden urge for the loo, its so annoying when you practically run (well waddle) to the loo and it trickles out your expecting it to be like a waterfall!! I havent had any major problems with my bladder since being PG and have only had to get up a couple of times in the night to pee so hoping this is a good sign and I have a strong bladder that wont leak when I sneeze once I've had it! :wink:
To be honest, I haven't got a clue which way up he has been over the weeks. The midwife hasn't said anything about it.

I can tell whether he is forwards or backwards facing, but haven't got the foggiest about whether he is breech or not. Is there any way of telling by myself or am I just looking really silly here?

its hard to tell if baby is breech or not, i questioned it last night myself coz when i bent down i could feel something hard inbetween my ribs, last i heard Coby was 3/5th engaged but i know he can still un engage and move about if he wanted, so i really thought he had gone breech, but then he got hic ups and i felt them down low, so it must have been his bum i was feeling lol

if it was, then he has really firm buns!
Thank you Sarah W! I've been feeling somehow 'bad' for not knowing which way up my little one is in there. My OH had a feel to see if he could figure out where her head was and he couldn't figure it out at all! She mostly kicks up to the right, but sometimes up in the middle (under my rib cage) and down to the left. I say 'kick', but really I haven't a clue - she could be punching, elbowing or kneeing me for all I know!

Don't know if your sudden need to go all the time is because your baby is head down or just putting pressure where you don't need it!
my baby is head down and she does press on my bladder alot. I know she is still in that position because the kicks are more forceful near my ribs and feel like little flutters low down where her hands must be.

one way you could try and check is to shine a little light on your stomach. the baby can't see too far in front of their face but is you get it near the head they move their head to see the light and try to put their hand on it. i tried it last night a it worked! (got the idea from
lol, i've been wrong about the way my LO is laying too!

I've spent the last couple of weeks thinking that the baby has been laying with his bum down, as I've been feeling a hard round thing that i thought was the head up towards the top right of my bump. But no, it must have been a little bum I've been feeling, as the midwife says today she is sure he is head down (yay!) - I just hope he decides to stay like that until the birth now!


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