is it wrong to feel sucidal whilst pregnant :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Just feel like I hve no say in anything my partner is a temper tantum waiting to happen if i question anything, he smokes weed and has done since he was 12. Feeling lonely and lost half of the arguements are myfault as I'm Bi sexual and have told him to which he doesn't like plus i have messed up his head by telling him how i felt sometimes, when i got with him i wasn't sure wht i wanted and he rushed things and then felt upset when i let him down saying i still had feelings for a girlfriend of mine.

Just don't know what to do anymore? I admit i haven't been the best in all this but i feel helpless as i can not return home to my parents as i have returned three times now from failed relationships with men as they bullied me and hurt me my last one beat me up so i rang the police on him and nothing was done to keep him away from me.

At the moment I am just sitting here thinking to myself I've done it again got with a nutter or i've turned him nto one which he blames me for all the time its always my fault never his. his own family are split up and he steals and lies to them all.

Hey sorry to read that ur feeling like this. Is there anyone u can talk to - a counseller or The Samaritans to help you sort out how ur feeling and what u might want to do about things? I really think this could be a good step for u x x x
Talk to you your mid wife. There is a support group that you are eligible for. If you do not have an appointment with your mid wife in the near future make an appointment with your GP.

Get the help you deserve! It is normal to feel a little off during the beginning of your pregnancy, there are so many hormonal changes that you have to adjust to etc - but you do not have to go through this alone.
Good luck! and hugs!

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