Is it possible for a O test to come bk pos, preg test neg?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Ok, as some of you girlies know, i fell pregnant, but found out i;d misscarried on 18th, was more like a chemical pg..
Anyway bk ontrack, and not giving up TTC..
I've been using Ov test to find out when ovualting again, as thought cycle would be very messed up..
But i came on on 22nd Dec, so i ovulated about 5th Jan, did o tests and they came bk positive..
Now its about 4days until testing, and you know what were like, tryin to find sytoms etc doing pg tests every morning lol..
Anyway.. pg tests obveously coming bk neg, but OV tests coming bk a very stong Positive, i know they pick up the same hormone..
What do you girlies think..
i'm Ovualating now.. and when i thought i was ovualting i still just had hormone in my body?
I just thought with me having my period, and i always hasve 28 day cycle, i thought it was highly possible i was ovulating ontime. i mean i did ov tests before i was due to ovulate also, and they didnt come bk pos?
sooo confused..
any suggestions? xx
your opk's are a strong positive now?
from what i've read on here, you have to be getting a postive on hcg tests before you get a positive on opk's.

i'm not sure, have you got any other signs of ovulation now?
And i have also read on here, your body can attempt to ovulate (surge), but doesn't ovulate, and then tries again later on in the cycle.

keep us posted. good luck
i'm gettin strong positive on ovualtion tests..
so what you think, i'm prob ovulating now?
oh this is all so confusing lol x
i guess you could be. i know m/c can mess up cycles a lot.

don't you wish we had a pair of glasses to look inside and find out what's really going on in there!!!!
lol yeh can only wish.
jus strang how it said i was ovulatin 10days ago, pus i had a normal bleed from 19th - 24th? strange body..
:think: im not sure if the opk is positive and the hcg is negative i would say you are ovulating now, was the opk you did on the 5th as strong as the one today, your body just maybe got ready to ov but didnt you are bound to be a bit messed up due to the chemical. this is when charting is really good as if you had been taking your temp every morning you would have been able to tell if ov really did happen on the 5th.

i would get your oh and start bd'ing anyway :wink:
i need to do temp charting, i'm really clueless to how i do it tho?
well i'm def going to jump on oh tonite for sure hehe.. :-) x
hey chick how are u and Mia!!
aww i'm so confused silly body driving me insane!!
yea were good thanks

hope it sorts itself out for you..and mia says hello and sorry for making you broody!! :lol: :lol: :hug:

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