is it normal....


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Hi ladies,
This past week i have been getting really sharp pains in my stomach, they dont last long but happen quite often and they are very painful. Ive had no bleeding or anything and ive still got my preg symptoms, sore bbs, tiredness ect. I was just wondering if this is normal and if i could have misscarried? if i had miscarried though wouldnt there be bleeding aswell :? . sorry for going on, im just a bit of a worrier lol.
Rachel xx
hi rachel ive been the same and still getting them now sometimes they can be really painful midwife told me not to worry unless pain stayed or was accompanied by bleeding try not to worry hun and if in any doubt at all give your mid wife a ring xxxxxxxx
Thanks rach, thats made me feel better. only thing is ive got a bloody cold now :cry:
Rachel xx
Hi Rachel,

How's the cold? I'm waiting to get one, always do around this time of the year, then I get another in Jan/Feb. very strange!!

Don't worry about the pains, it's perfectly normal, its all the ligaments & everything stretching and growing to accomodate your bubba. For the last couple of days i've been getting alot of sharp pains and period type cramps, apparantly this is also due to the baby moving on up, wish she'd do it more gently!! (keep calling baby a she - must stop doing that!)

Nicki.x :D
Hi nicki, the colds just mostly sore throat and coughing alot now but feeling better :)
Im not getting any pains at the moment, cant wait untill my scan which should be in about 7 weeks so i will know if everything is ok and i will get to see my baby :D it might start to feel real then :lol:
Hope everything is going ok :)
Rachel xx

Don't worry girls this sounds like round ligament pains. I still get them every few weeks and it's a sign of your uterus growing. It's worst if you stand up suddenly or move suddenly and is very very sharp.

Think of it as a very good sign!!! :D
I still get the sharp pains too, not nice but nothing to worry about xxx
LouisecH said:

Don't worry girls this sounds like round ligament pains. I still get them every few weeks and it's a sign of your uterus growing. It's worst if you stand up suddenly or move suddenly and is very very sharp.

Think of it as a very good sign!!! :D

ok so thats why i get them when i turn over in bed suddenly or get up off sofa too quick :shock: was starting to get worried cos sometimes they can take my breath away they are so painful xxxx
lol aint they just louise :shock: didnt have these when i had my son
Maybe your uterus is more sensitive this time? I'm thinking that because of women feeling their babies move earlier with their second/tihrd child.
yeah thats probablt right hun thanks xxxxx
I used to have those pains very frequently - they are a bit like stubbing your toe (arghghghghgh) its the sort of pain that doesnt hit you for a second and then you are going "ooooh" and pulling a funny face!!!!

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