Is it normal to be freezing cold?


Dec 29, 2009
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Hi Ladies,

Well I am about 6-7 weeks pregnant and I am so cold all the time to the point where I am shaking and unable to talk.

It's only been happening for about a week and I am getting worried. Is this normal?

I won't be getting a midwife appointment for another few weeks so hoping it's nothing :) xxx
Hi I've never heard of this but I'm sure someone will shed some light :)

Next time you get a shaking episode get someone to check your temperature with a therometer as our bodies can play silly tricks and despite feeling cold and shivery your temperature could be too high (it's our bodies way of cooling down) which could indicate an infection. Just a thought :)
umm good point - always thought you got warmer because of the increase in blood, but i'm not an expert!
I'm always freezing, I feel the cold a lot more than my OH. Dunno if it's pregnancy related though or just me xx
I have found myself being freezing cold even when the heating is on; this is only since I became pregnant - maybe its something to do with it? :)
i went through this last week. thought i was being soft as usually i am the one whos always warm! but i ended up with a very bad cold that lasted for about four days so i think, like was said earlier by mrsH2009, it could be the start of something... hope not for you r sake but that was my experience hun xx
I'm always freezing due to an underactive thyroid but even more so when pregnant. Keep an eye on it and ask the MW at your next visit xx
Thanks everyone. It's a pain in the neck that I'm not going to see the midwife for another few weeks :(
I am exactly the same and I thought it was just me - my hands and feet are the worst!

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