Is it normal ???? Help


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Well I have a strong stabbing pain on my right hand side and the bottom of my stomach feels heavy. Is it normal has anyone else experience this xxxx

how long has the pain been going on? have you got any pain anywhere else at all or any bleeding?

it might be worth ringing NHS direct to ask one of the nurses.
it could be stretching pains.
ive been getting these sort of pains on and off for a few days, and have had 2 scans and all is fine apart from a cyst.

did they see anything abnormal like a cyst when you had your scan? they are quite common in pregnancy.
No nothing everything seemed fine and nothing was putted out and they have checked ovaries etc. pain is quite sharp but not so painful I'm bent over etc. feels like its a nerve though as can feel it at the bottom of my back too xxx

are you constipated? also, wind can be very painful and cause your stomach to feel heavy.

is it still hurting?
maybe try a hot water bottle and lying in a comfy position.
i think you should call nhs direct, or maybe the out of hours doctor for your gp practice.

every pregnancy is different, and any new or unusual pain is very scary. so i think you should check, to put your mind at rest.
I had a pain that sounded exactly like that a couple of weeks ago. I'd just had my early scan and everything looked fine so I decided to see if it got worse before I called anyone and it had gone within a couple of days. Definitely call if you're worried though x
I got this over a couple of days but I didn't panic too much as it wasn't excruciatingly sore and had no bleeding. They say stretching pains are to be expected. There's a lot going on down there!! Hope its still all ok for you now xxx
Yeah I've had some what I can only explain as stretching pains feels funny xxxx


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