Is it Madeline McCann?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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This is a link to a story that is going on in the news not far from where we are staying.... about 20min drive.

As soon as I heard it on the news about the body of a 4yr old blonde girl found in a box.... first thing I thought was Madeline...

Whether it is Maddie or not.... how could someone do this to a poor child.... makes me so sad and angry!!
How would Maddie's body have got there? as soon as she went missing the police/media was on the case, meaning no one could have escaped with her by airport. Maybe by boat, to go towards marrocco, but by plane would have been impossible.
I doubt it's her. But that's really sad :(
it's not her, they already confirmed that yesterday. Baby Grace is bewtween two and three years old.

Poor little mite :cry: , hope the b**stard who did it rots in hell :twisted:
Where is that Sarah?? There's nothing on the local news about it! How terrible. :(

I've just realised you must be on holiday and not in Aberdeen!
**C** said:
Where is that Sarah?? There's nothing on the local news about it! How terrible. :(

I've just realised you must be on holiday and not in Aberdeen!

No, it's not in Aberdeen, it's in Galveston, outside of Houston, I am living here for 3mths with hubbys work
gotta be those stupid peodoes however spelt
It's a horrible thing to say - but I think it has to be a parent as nobody has reported a missing child :(
i saw this on the msn news site a couple of days ago and they have a sketch of what she looks like and says they can tell by dental records she is 2-3 yrs but i also think it has to have been someone who knew the girl closely like a parent as no one has come forward about her identity and there are no missing children reported similar to her. poor thing.

yea such a shame.

there has been a baby dumped over at shaldon nr a tiny bridge where u gotta drive slowly else u can flood the bridge and road if u go fast cause its direct in line of the river which leads into the sea.the baby was dumped on the lil beach side well its not really a beach but has some sand or something when tides out, was dumped just in front of the beach this was about 3 or 4 years ago now.then on our beach recently there was a woman found dead on the suspects tho.

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