Is it like this every time?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Hi I am new at this, it is only my first month TTC but I have had some cramping and nausea for the last 10 days, am due my af tomorrow. Got impatient and did a hpt yesterday which was negative-have I just tested too early? how long should i wait before i test again? Also is it like this every month-counting down until you can test?
month by month you will slowly turn insane with symptom spotting, becoming a pee on a stick oholoic, checking your cervical secreations and counting days. But us lot here will hold your hand through it all :lol: In all seriousness, TTC can be tough but we really are here for you :hug:

Test again with first morning pee in a day or two, good luck xx
Best of luck, I'd also give it a few more days then re-test :)

Welcome to the Forum :)
Toonlass, that was such a lovely thing to say. Ive been trying 7 months now and what she says is completely true. Hang in there and lots of luck xxx
Thank you all for replying, feels so nice just to talk to other people in the same boat! Have decided I will wait it out until wednesday morning (if I can contain myself) and if still no period then will test again. :)
Its enough to drive you mad - but this forum will keep you sane - good luck and welcome to Pregnancy Forum :wave:
Good luck, i'll be checking up on wednesday to see what your result is xx
Hi x
Im new too! First month of TTC (im still also trying to figure out the abbreviations - if someone can help me out with these!) I had the coil in for 5 years and had it taken out in October, got married on New Years Eve, and decided to start trying straight away and now I can admit I AM OBSESSED!! Not due to test until the weekend and Im losing sleep over it! I keep thinking I have symptoms tingly boobs.. etc but at the same time, I keep thinking maybe its just in my head??!! Keep me sane!
Hey, isnt this forum great for sharing feelings and symptoms? I would have been lost if i didnt have it when i was expecting ds. Was trying to get back online for months but site wasnt working. Anyways, first three months trying the month dragged real slow, but for some reason this month is flying in almost too quickly lol. I think when u r actively trying you notice the little things in your cycle that were alsays there, but now we r looking for signs of bfp, those feelings are magnified. At least we r all in the right place with like-minded people, we'll neeed the counselling by the time we all get our bfps loool take care hun, fx for your bfp xXx
Dear LuanT, On the main page where all the different forums are at the top of the list there is a forum with all the abbreviations in which has helped me.
I am also losing sleep over it. Have managed to limit the obsessing during the day time but am definitely not sleeping well and think it must be because of this.
Thanks Frankie, got sent them so understanding the posts more now! Im just counting down the days now.. and its only month 1 of trying, worst part is, my husband travels a lot from next week until November and is hardly home so thats playing on my mind too - what if hes never here at the right time!!
Tell me about it - we are both in the forces. Husband is away every week and then I have trips away coming up later in the year (if I dont get pregnant!) so I feel like there is lots of pressure to get pregnant quickly even though we have only just started!
His travelling didnt even cross my mind until a couple of weeks ago, when i mapped out my ovulating on a calendar and realised he misses it all after March!
As I have only just started trying as well I dont claim to have any answers but my guess would be the less stressed we get about the short time lines the more likely that we will get pregnant. I keep falling back on the whole - it will happen when its meant to - although this doesnt always stop me obsessing about it!
Fingers crossed that you dont have to worry about it at all and this month you get a positive! Good luck!
I keep telling myself the same thing, when we decided to start trying we both said "lets just see what happens" he's stuck to that, where as im completely obsessed - managed to hide that from him though, the last thing I want is hubby stressing about it - one of us needs to stay sane! keep me posted Frankie on how you get on! Good luck x

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