Is it just me?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Hey ladies, just wondered if it was just me that feels tired all the time? Everyone keeps telling me how tri 2 is when you feel your best but all i want to do is sleep and eat!

Am i just being lazy?

I almost feel guilty for not wanting to do anything but i honestly struggle to stay awake at work and when i get home i just want to lie down.

Tell me i'm not the only one?!?!
You're defo not the only one hun :(

I never had tiredness in the 1st trimester but come 14 weeks and I was knocked out :sleep: I'm coming to the stage I need either a nap during the day or in bed really early :(
No, you're not! I'm totally exhausted all the time with thumping headaches. When I get home from work I sit in front of the tv whilst my dinner is cooked, I eat, then hubby goes into the other room whilst I carry on watching tv till I go to bed at 9.30, lol!!!
No, you're not! I'm totally exhausted all the time with thumping headaches. When I get home from work I sit in front of the tv whilst my dinner is cooked, I eat, then hubby goes into the other room whilst I carry on watching tv till I go to bed at 9.30, lol!!!

Sounds just like my evenings!! Just hope hubby doesn't get fed up of it to the point where he just brings me dry bread and water!!
I'm the same... I was fine in 1st trimester and up until a few weeks ago - now I'm feeling tired alot - probably as I'm not sleeping very well at all.

Can't wait for maternity leave to start... still 2 months to go!
Mine has gradually got better but i feel walking around town now is a bit of a struggle. Seem to get out of puff quite a bit. Just rest as much as you can when you feel tired. Nothing wrong with napping or early nights.
No, you're not! I'm totally exhausted all the time with thumping headaches. When I get home from work I sit in front of the tv whilst my dinner is cooked, I eat, then hubby goes into the other room whilst I carry on watching tv till I go to bed at 9.30, lol!!!

Sounds just like my evenings!! Just hope hubby doesn't get fed up of it to the point where he just brings me dry bread and water!!

Lol, I'm v lucky mine loves cooking. Although sometimes I haven't the heart to tell him all I want is bread and water!!!
im so tired all time im going to work then coming home n cabbaging i have to cook tho cause oh does shifts n isnt that good at cooking anyway although he does try bless him x
So glad you posted this as I feel exactly the same but thought I was just being lazy, everyone says you are meant to get a burst of energy in Tri 2 but I am just as bad as in Tri 1, if not worse!
I'm the same too even thought I went back to bed for a couple of hours yeasterday :(
Hey ladies, just wondered if it was just me that feels tired all the time? Everyone keeps telling me how tri 2 is when you feel your best but all i want to do is sleep and eat!

Am i just being lazy?

I almost feel guilty for not wanting to do anything but i honestly struggle to stay awake at work and when i get home i just want to lie down.

Tell me i'm not the only one?!?!

Come towards dinner its like i need a nap to get some engery and come night time all i wanna do is sleep so your not alone they do say we get more engery and one day i can have tons of engery next day i just wanna sleep all day as long as you do some exericse you should be fine x
Iv'e not been too bad, energy picked up a little as I have too much to do to get house sorted now, feel like I'm against the clock a tad !

But I just moaned at my OH on sunday afternoon, that he was falling asleep when he had just sat down, and he hadn't worked nights the night before, and then next thing I know, I had woken up later , and fallen asleep right after moaning at him! whooopps
i had about weeks were i had loads of energy from about 21-23 weeks but now im struggling to sleep and im suffering with headaces again so im just feeling drained x
Thanks ladies, i was feelin like a right fraud cause of everyone saying how well i should be feeling.

Oh well got next week of work and a few days in a cottage in wales, hopefully the country air will give me a new lease of life!!
Nope you are not alone. My body doesnt me doing long days and by the time I have finished work I am knackered. I feel rubbish and like I am letting myself down as I am not exercising at all, feel like I am getting bigger and feel so unattractive.
Nope you are not alone. My body doesnt me doing long days and by the time I have finished work I am knackered. I feel rubbish and like I am letting myself down as I am not exercising at all, feel like I am getting bigger and feel so unattractive.

I feel liike that too, want to do something to make myself not feel like a potato, but haven't got any energy to do it at all!

The only exercise I do is walk to work and back (about 35 mins each way), but even then sometimes I take the bus!
I'm 17 weeks and waiting for the glowing to kick in, i've gone even more tired and pale since hitting my second trimester. Glad it's not just me :)

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