Is it just me...or does anyone else still pee on sticks?!

No I'm hoping to get my 12 week scan appointment soon, so will try to hold out for that. We are going on holiday on 17th, so if we don't get our appointment by then, I'm going to pay for a private scan (just call me paranoid!) It's just we are going to see all our friends where we used to live in the USA, and I want to share our happy news, but need to be sure all is fine. These first 12 weeks seem to drag by so slowly!
I tested every day till I couldn't take it any more and paid for a private scan at 6 week. Next scan is tomorrow, but I'm still worried something has gone wrong since last scan. Its never ending.
A friend told me yesterday that she was told by a consultant that if you scan and see a heartbeat after 8wks, the risk of loss drops to 1%.

She said, he said, she said.... I know but I like a good stat.

I've seen a heartbeat at 6+3 and 6+6. I'm 8 tomorrow, so I'm booking a private scan for Saturday. NHS scan is booked for 12+3. Cannot wait that long!

Is your scan tomorrow private?
Did the tests! Bottom 2 are today's. Bit concerned that the line isn't as dark but it wasn't FMU and the result line came up before the test line even did.

3+ though..... YIPPEEEEEEE!

Sorry to hijack the thread x


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Yay, that is fab you got your 3+!
My pack of FRER arrived and couldnt resist.. 4+4 weeks :D


My line today cant get much darker than that Im done testing now :D
Great line! I've resolved to doing every other day.
Think I'll stop now too. Result line seems darker than test line and the photo was taken dead on 5mins. Plus, the result line showed up way before the test line again.

It's 3am but I woke needing to pee, so couldn't waste it. That's me awake and excited for hours! :D



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Think I'll stop now too. Result line seems darker than test line and the photo was taken dead on 5mins. Plus, the result line showed up way before the test line again.

It's 3am but I woke needing to pee, so couldn't waste it. That's me awake and excited for hours! :D


Great line! I can safely say dont think you can get much darker than that :D
I've tried to do one every other day lol it got darker yesterday so will maybe do another tomorrow! Going to do my last digi next week too. Get that 3+! Xx

Me too! I'm saving my digi for 3+
Have to content myself to cheaply poundland tests to convince myself it's actually happening!

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