is it just me? bf baby eats a lot!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Feel so stressed and tired :-( my Brian is a happy baby generally, but having one of those days where I have barely left the couch! Feel like a fat slob!
A few hours in morning he will be happy so i can usually do one or two jobs, washup and Hoover I've done today. But from about 11 till 5 he really does feed most of that time!!! I'm getting upset because I have stuff to do, unpacking still, even to play with him would be nice!! Ppl have said he could be using me as a dummy, but I've tried putting him down in bouncer , basket, mat , even when he falls asleep on Boobs and i move him he wakes and is asking for food! I don't know what to do or what I'm doing wrong as he is always hungry! I think ppl must think I'm lazy and all I do is sit around, I certainly feel that way! When he isn't feeding I have so much to do i have to do things quickly, most days I don't get to eat till dinner.
A lot of the time he will fuss when Boobs already in his mouth so i take him off but he is asking for food and then is fussy to latch!! Then he is just hitting and scratching me :-( I know he doesn't mean it, I love him so much but just feel so shit right now like I'm not good enough :-(
Aaww hun not eating won't help, you'll just get drained. Are you taking any vitamins? Have you tried a sling so he can be with you but your hands are free to even just make a sandwich? xxxxxxx
hey hun, i could have wrote this exactly when harry was his age, its totally normal but really tough. sounds like hes having a growth spurt, i used to spend the whole day sitting on the couch feeding its very frustrating but remember it will pass, your doing a great job, things WILL get better, try not to worry about housework, mines still a tip and harry feeds every 3 hours, oops :)
Don't feel like that at all! Do you know how well you've done to be breastfeeding for as long as you have? it's hard work but the more you do it the more proud you should be of yourself for giving your bubba not only the best milk going but also your time and patience. No one else will be able to do what you do with your baby and that is special! And btw Aimee is exactly the same. I get a bit of time in the morning to clean etc then about the same time frame she doesn't settle as well and either wants to feed or be cuddled. You are an amazing mummy and you shouldn't think otherwise! P.s could he be going through a growth spurt if he's being fussy but wanting the breast? My LO gets like that during growth spurts or if she's constipated.
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i completely felt this at his age!! its sooo hard !!

you just kinda find ways to make everything easier and quicker to do.... take each day as it comes and honestly it so does not matter if you stay in you pjs all day and get nothing done- even though its hard to think like that when you have a big to do list!!
i wish i chilled out more in the early stages as i put too much pressure on myself. i was lucky to have people round me who could come round n watch the baby while i did my jobs around the house. try and buy easy to make food that you could pick up n eat with one hand but yeah take vitamins aswell if its convience food as you dont wanna get unhealthy.

i promise you things get easier ! xxxxxxxxx
i completely felt this at his age!! its sooo hard !!

you just kinda find ways to make everything easier and quicker to do.... take each day as it comes and honestly it so does not matter if you stay in you pjs all day and get nothing done- even though its hard to think like that when you have a big to do list!!
i wish i chilled out more in the early stages as i put too much pressure on myself. i was lucky to have people round me who could come round n watch the baby while i did my jobs around the house. try and buy easy to make food that you could pick up n eat with one hand but yeah take vitamins aswell if its convience food as you dont wanna get unhealthy.

i promise you things get easier ! xxxxxxxxx

Agreed! You have a small baby stop with the pressure! It's the only time you can slob, have a messy house etc! Enjoy it! It's expected! I survived by OH making extra dinner and I'd heat it up for lunch, rugby ball hold feed Tyler and eat it with the other hand on the sofa while catching up on desperate housewives. Trust me the bfing gets easier/quicker the lack of stuff you can get done. Not do much lol!!!

You are doing great!

You are doing great! I felt the same when K was that age. That was also about the time I figured out she was tired but wanted me to nurse her to sleep, so I started going by the easy routine - eat, activity, sleep, you. If she had eaten and played, I always tried to get her to sleep before feeding her again. (she confused me because she rooted hen hungry and when tired) The only way I could get her to nap then was ina wrap as well. Then if she wouldn't settle, I fed her again. I know it is really hard, and being a person that likes my house clean and organized, it really stressed me out. The only thing I insist you do is put him down for a few minutes even if he is crying, and get yourself something to eat. Keep lots of snacks and drinks next to wherever you have to nurse him too. Before you know it, he will be able to stay awake longer and want to play, and then he will only take about ten minutes to eat. It does get better, I promise! Xx
Thank you so much feel so much better knowing that it appears to be normal!
I thought it was a growth spurt, but i was told it was just a week or so, but he seems to be like this 80% of the time.
I'm taking pregnacare but forget a lot :-s

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