Is it common for people to...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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... take there carpets when they move house? weve just got a list from the vendors saying whats staying and what isnt and there taking all the carpets :shock: It says we can make an offer but dont really like them but it would make life so much easier if they were in when we moved. Whats a reasonable price to offer for them? :think:
People do take theyre carpets but its usually rare because they are not necessarily going to fit in the new house, my guess though is its just a big ploy to make you pay more, thats what the tennants of our house did. I wouldnt buy, especially if you dont like them, just wait and get your own, you never no they might even leave them there if they realise they wont get any more money from you.
we asked our solicitor to suggest a figure as you put the offer in through them and they would have a good idea :)
I'd only make an offer on them if they were reasonably new, professionaly fitted and immaculately clean :) Theres nowt worse than stinky carpets, especially someone elses stinky carpets :)
I agree. Call their bluff and don't offer anything for them :wink: You'll be much better off choosing your own :hug:
i wouldnt offer anything, its just a way for the sellars to get more money but avoid losing out on sales tax.
they usually state a price of £**** to include fitted carpets and curtains, sometimes it also includes light fixtures.
its only worth it if you like the carpet they are new (no more than 6 months old) and are of good quality.

a lot of people will put down new carpet in a neutral colour just to sell the house possibly beacuse their old carpet was a deep colour or too stained and so didint make the house attractive.
we had this when we moved and we said we didnt want them and the day before we moved in they were all in the skip outside :x and they took all the koi carp out of the pond and let them die because we wouldnt pay them £200 for them :evil:
the guy who we bought the house off took the carpet with him as he said they cost £700 and had only been in for 4 months, fine, i didnt want them so he took them and we paid £500 for brand new carpet all the way thru, and its nicer lol.

Like everyone has said, if the carpet is new and you like it then offer maybe half what they paid, if u dont like it then sack it, let them take it,

Call their bluff Jenna and dont pay for them especially if they are not nice and you would replace them anyway.
Aggrrrr!!! I hate when people do that! We moved house with a 2! week old baby, and the blasted old couple who were living here before took the lounge carpet! :wall: :evil: First we thought, maybe there was some sort a rug they are taking, but no, they took the fitted one! Not that we liked it, but first when we were looking around the house I was pointing at each thing asking if that is staying or not, and they told all the carpets are staying, and second, it is not a particulary nice thing to do to look for a carpet 2 weeks after c-section and with a cement floor in the main room :wall:

I just dont understand the poin! The carpet is FITTED, right? So why on earth would you want to put it in your new house?

Good luck with moving, hun :hug:
The people we bought this house off left all the carpets but the stunk :puke: :puke:
It must be a good quality carpet or something. We went shopping for carpets a few weeks ago and they were bloody expensive,
I just moved into my new place....I called their bluff...didn't offer a price on the blinds and carpets...dishwasher...shed....a lot...all the stuff she wanted money for!!
Bugger that I wouldn't pay for anything except a brand new carpet in a colour that I liked.
I'd just ask for an extra viewing so you can go and measure up for new carpets, and make sure they know what you're doing ;)

My mate moved house once and the house they moved into had NOTHING no carpets no curtains, not even lightbulbs!! As if you'd take the lightbulbs!
When we bought this house it never even had a kitchen!

so there :lol:
weve decided not to offer them anything. I cant see any reason for them to want them so they might be nice and just leave them for us.

Some thing else thats really anoying is there taking fitted wardrobes and some plants out of the garden :rotfl: Surely they cant be serious? Anyway were going to put a bit in the contract that says any damage done while taking out the fitted wardrobes has to be paid for by the seller... Im not paying a plasterer to fix it because there being tight! There also taking the light fittings :rotfl:
hi jenna they people out of our house didnt even leave light bulbs and like u say took plants out of the garden they even changed raidiators becuse they were nice silver ones in 2 rroms and they changed them for plain white ones and the other thing they did that annoyed me was they said they were leaving the fridge which they did but not the one they had in the house i think they bought and old rubbish one from somewhere which we eneded up throwing away, we werent even left witha vurtain rail
jenna said:
weve decided not to offer them anything. I cant see any reason for them to want them so they might be nice and just leave them for us.

Some thing else thats really anoying is there taking fitted wardrobes and some plants out of the garden :rotfl: Surely they cant be serious? Anyway were going to put a bit in the contract that says any damage done while taking out the fitted wardrobes has to be paid for by the seller... Im not paying a plasterer to fix it because there being tight! There also taking the light fittings :rotfl:

:shock: They sound like a right shower of tight wads :shakehead: Stick to your guns hun, you'll need all the money you can get now :hug:
I can understand about fittings and fixtures being removed because good ones aren't cheap but you should get an inventory for the house telling you what exactly you are buying. We did with this house but they forgot to mention the 50 layers of wallpaper and paint we had to scrape off the walls :roll:

If we ever sell this house i'm taking the fireplaces with us, I spent weeks restoring them, they are mine! :shakehead:


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