Help - Landlord Thief (Deposit withheld)


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Can anyone help?

My sister recently left her flat. She had it professionally cleaned including cooker/fridge etc in order that she could get all her deposit back. There were no curtains / carpets. They said that she needed to make good the paintwork as well (even though the scuffs were reasonable wear and tear). She did all of this but her landlord still won't repay her deposit :evil: . I saw the flat - it was in better condition when she left than when she moved in.

I'm furious - I'm so sick of her being ripped off everytime she rents a new place - she's such a nice person and totally doesn't deserve this.

Has anyone had experience with deposit disputes? What's the best thing for her to do to get the deposit back?

Would be grateful for any assistance

I would get your sister to say she is seeking legal advice, see if the landlord backs down. If not get her to go to citizens advice and see what can be done. Sorry to hear your sister is going through this.
This happened to me :evil:

my landlord would not give me my £900 deposit back he didnt care i was 30 weeks pregnant and he was kicking me out to move himself in.
when i moved in it was minging i redone the entire house even decked the back garden as when i moved in i was told i could live there for atleast 3 yrs. but 8 months later he wanted the place back :twisted:

i was dealing through the landlord and not the letting agency. so after 3 months waiting for my deposit i got intouch with the acency and they got me it.

does your sister have proof of paying deposit? and does she have a tenency agreement? how did she fond the house? through a agency?
I lost most of mine. I put down £600 deposit, and only got £132 back! They said they needed to replace 3 of the carpets as they were stained, but they removed them the day after we moved out so I couldn't get proof of the stains. :evil:

I would have fought more, but we moved 4 days before Charlie was born, so I was a little pre-occupied!

I did see some info somewhere that the CAB are trying to get the law changed so that independent companies will be in charge of the bond money, and not the landlords. That way, they won't be able to argue the 'wear & tear' thing. Apparantly over £6 million is given over in bond money each year, but only £4 million is ever returned. :shock:
Sadly I think this is a very common problem.

I agree CAB would be a good first port of call.
Hiya LB - I run a letting agency....I'll help as best I can.....need to know the following first:

1. Does the tenancy agreement state the deposit amount that was paid at the beginning of the tenancy (usually on page 1 or 2 depending on the format).

2. How long has she lived in the property?

3. Does she deal direct through the Landlord or does the LL have a letting agency that manages?

4. If the LL uses an agent - who holds the deposit - LL or Agent?

5. Does she have a inventory listing for the property, that was signed at the beginning of the tenancy?

6. Was she present at the closing inspection with either the LL or Agent?

7. How long ago did she vacate the property?

8. Does she still have the invoices/ receipts for the professional cleaning as proof? Did the LL confirm in writing that the flat was unsatisfactory and would not return the deposit?

9. Were there any rent arrears at the end of the tenancy?

Em x

EDIT: Was gonna say feel free to PM the reply x
Thanks for the replies guys.

Em - I've PM'd the answers! She does have proof of a deposit and a tenancy agreement, and she rented through an agency though they have been hopeless throughout the tenancy.

Dionne - how annoying for you. Did you do anything to try and recover the money? What a scumbag :evil:

this happened to a mate of mine. she never did get it back. i doubt ill get mine back either, but then again with 2 puppys i wouldnt give it back either at the moment :lol:
I've pm'd you LB...

keslo - as long as your puppies haven't completely wrecked the place, and you get the place deep cleaned when you move (to remove the dog smell in case the next tenants don't have pets) then I can't see why it should be a huge problem.......each case is different though so feel free to PM me if you get any problems.

usually with pet owners it is recommended that the carpets should be professionally cleaned to remove the smell - the same as if people were to smoke in a rented property.

the only real thing they have done is had a chew of the carpet in the kitchen. it wasnt a new one. and not even fitted to the fixtures ect (dogs saw great opportunity) so we are thinking of replacing it with lino. as i dont think a kitchen should have carpet anyway. but im positive theyed say 'well there was carpet there not lino and keep it anyway :roll:

/end hyjack

i might just take you up on that pm offer thanks :)

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