is it Braxton hicks is it normal to have this many


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Hi I have been experiencing alot of what I think are braxton hicks.

The top of my bump just hurts and goes tight it seems constant and they last for ages.

last night it was quite regular but today I had them all morning so I decided to go and do a bit of gardening I spent a good four hours pottering about and I have come in and sat down and they have started again I have had about 3 in the last hour.

Is this normal. They are quite uncomfortable it just hurts at the top of the bump which I am assuming is my uterus/womb :oops:

More than 4 in an hour is apparently unusual and should be checked by Midwife but usually not a problem hun. Try not to do too much - straining yourself too much can bring then on.

Look after yourself! xx
I have loads of braxton hicks too.

I read on a few internet sites that it can be down to dehydration, which is quite possible with me as I don't drink enough water during the day.

I'll have to mention it to my midwife too.
Hi Bagpuss and Sami,

Thanks for your replies.

I have drunk several pints of water today as I read also that it could be dehydration.

I have since had a bath to try and relax but it seems that every time I sit down I have Braxtion hicks, if I get up the ease off but when I sit down again they come on.

I will moniter them and call the midwife tomorrow if they continue.

I had BH all the time while I was pregnant, they started realyy eraly in my pregnancy actually at 25 weeks.

Towards the end of my pregnancy I was getting them all day long and then there would be days where I would not get them at all.

I am sure everything is fine, and I know these can be really annoying, so all the best with everything.

i get them all the time ive had them since about 20 weeks but now i get them all day long ive tried all the advice off my midwife like drinking more fluids and adjusting positions when i get them but nothing has worked guess im just used to it now xxxx

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