Hi I have been experiencing alot of what I think are braxton hicks.
The top of my bump just hurts and goes tight it seems constant and they last for ages.
last night it was quite regular but today I had them all morning so I decided to go and do a bit of gardening I spent a good four hours pottering about and I have come in and sat down and they have started again I have had about 3 in the last hour.
Is this normal. They are quite uncomfortable it just hurts at the top of the bump which I am assuming is my uterus/womb
The top of my bump just hurts and goes tight it seems constant and they last for ages.
last night it was quite regular but today I had them all morning so I decided to go and do a bit of gardening I spent a good four hours pottering about and I have come in and sat down and they have started again I have had about 3 in the last hour.
Is this normal. They are quite uncomfortable it just hurts at the top of the bump which I am assuming is my uterus/womb
