Is it a silly name?

its well funky name! and he just sounds likes gonna be cool! its true though if people re gonna judge someone by their name they probably aren't worth knowing!! x
Aw thanks you 2, lovely messages and feeling a little more brave about it! A few friends we have told have just screwed their faces up and said 'oh you cant' so its nice to know not everyone thinks like that. Ema I love the spelling of your name xx
I love unusual names, and Rocco is a cool name!

I wouldn't worry too much about his name if he becomes a CEO, unless his name is Tinkerbell, then I don't see a problem. Unusual names run in my family, it builds character and we all love our unique names.

With our son, I stopped telling people the names we had picked for him - just can't understand why people are so rude about their reactions - everyone has different opinions. Mind you - it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Go for it!

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