is her bouncer high enough?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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sorry this isnt just an excuse 2 plug my video in pics section (altho i am a very proud mummy! lol) but please can u look at it and tell me if the bouncer needs adjusting?
my boyf thinks its too low, her feet should be just touching the floor, but i thought what would she push up against? but im curious now do i need 2 shorten the top bit so shes higher? :think:
i don't think i can be any help, but how cute is millie!?!?!?!? and that hat of hers is GORGEOUS!!!
I think it needs to be a bit higher so that she's in an upright position and her feet are just touching the floor. That video is well cute by the way and I love her hat :D
hehe thanku!
do u see what i mean tho when she's resting in it her knees are bent is that how u supposed 2 hav them?
i also think it needs to be higher. Just a tad, plus bare feet - shed have better grip too. lol.
oh, ok ill adjust it tomorra then. thanku! :)

oh kitten, i think the hat is from asda? (the label inside is "george" i kno thats a supermarket one but not sure which but i think asda) :)
Definitely higher, we also put a change mat under Isaac's feet, as when he gets seriously bouncy he can come down with a very strong force, I worry he may break a toe on the hard floor :shock: :lol:
I'm sure our instructions say they should be almost on their tiptoes? so they cant have their feet flat on the floor.
She is very cute :)
OMG I have only just seen that video..... She's sooooooo cute! I have one of those for Jack, can't wait till I can put him in it! :hug:
Just saw it too, HOW cute!!!/

It was defo too low, she should be just on tip toes xxxxxx

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