Is everybody fed up?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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People keep asking me if im fed up waiting for lo to arrive. Im not!! I know shes going to be here in the next few weeks but im just enjoying been lazy for now! Life changes so much once they r born so enjoy having some u time 4 now xxx
im fed up but then im 5 days overdue and the baby is massive, so even lazing about hurts lol
I'm fed up a little bit. I'd like to be able to sleep without getting up every 5 mins for a wee.

But then I'll be up with a small person to tend to so I'm not going to get a good nights sleep for some time I don't suppose.

And i feel ENORMOUS!!
I'm only fed up of other peoples impatience, haha, if one more person phones or txts me to ask if baby is here i will scream:shock:
well im not fed up as i have a c-sec booked this wednesday so im not just waiting around!!

i am a little fed up with hurting so much though, really looking forward to having my body back to normal-really struggling with the excessive weeing, i cant really go out coz i need to wee every 20 mins ughhh

but im just going with it, and am def still smiling :) xxxx
I only broke up from work a week ago so I would be really annoyed if baby was any earlier than 39 weeks as I am really enjoying my time off!!! Plus I'm very very lucky that I feel real well so at the moment I'm cool with waiting - I have a busy week sorted for next week and want to get in the garden this weekend so I have no time for a baby at the moment!! ha ha
I'm fed up with the whole thing lol, just want him here now
Im fed up with hearing those 3 little words 'not long now'!
I bloody know its not long now, I dont need everyone to tell me its not!!!
:shock: sam it's easy to forget yanno when you're up for a wee 20 times in the night and can't see your own foof!!!!! :D
Too true!
Must remember to give these people more consideration!
Drives me mad!!
:rofl: I get sick of people telling me my bump is small, they wouldn't want him on the end of their nose as a wart lol
Ive got quite a small bump too coz im tall and hiding him away.
What is it with people wanting to state the bleeding obvious all the time!!
Ive got bad stretch marks and the midwife said yesterday 'ooh you've got bad stretch marks haven't you?!'
I bloody know I have! I see them every day! Dont need to rub it in!
People keep telling me I'm 'very neat' for my weeks then question whether or not I do actually only have 2 weeks left... Obviously my dates, the hospital scans and all the professionals have it wrong, and you must be correct complete stranger!!!!
Ha! It makes me wonder why we bother going to the midwife and scans etc.
Why not just stand in the street with a billboard saying 'when am i due' and 'what sex is it?'
Of course, they would always be right!

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