Is anyone planning a holiday this summer?


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Feb 27, 2011
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With the LO?

I'm a bit of a holiday fiend and need to go away every few months but obviously I appreciate life is going to be different now.

I was wondering if anyone was planning a holiday? I usually go abroad and like a bit of sunshine but I'm thinking that might be making life difficult with a few month old baby!
I want to go away but I dunno if you can or if it's a good idea with a new baby?
I'm not due until June but I am planning a trip in Oct/Nov depending on how things go! I have heard that it's easier to travel with a little baby than an older baby, as they don't have as much of a routine...we'll see! I say go for it if you want to do it. Perhaps bring grandparents/friends along for a bit of support?
Go for it! So many people have said to me- 'you can't take a baby to a hot country' reply, they have babies in hot countries! Plus you dont pay for LO before they are 2! :)
Menorca is supposedly good for babies I'm also told it's easier to travel bf babies as you don't have the hassle of food/milks to carry/buy. Can't remember the name of the company but there is one that will fly out your baby stuff to your hotel that arrives the day before you do so it's waiting for you so you don't have to buy locally xx
I don't see why not, I think a short flight like Spain would be fine. I love our holidays, but we decided to have a caravan holiday in this country this year. We are def going to go to Abroad next year though - people do it all the time :) xx
We are camping 3 weeks after Riven will be here :), it's a camp festival we go to every year and last year we missed it as the dog was poorly.

Of course this is if Riven is on time :) if he's not he is being born in a field with 5 midwifes, 6 nurses and 2 doctors :) this is not a point for discussion as I keep telling my OH :lol::lol::lol:
Thanks ladies!

I was thinking somewhere in Spain just for a week maybe in September.

Sure it will be fine. Though I'll have to book a package I guess, hubby and I usually just buy a flight and wing it when we go away lol
We are going to France for a week in August and Spain later on in August! My oh is a primary school teacher so he gets 6 weeks off over summer so we will be making the most of it!! As long as you keep them well covered and keep an eye on their temperature they will be fine :) xxx
We've just booked a little caravan haven holiday for September. We are massive campers and we have to take the dog on holiday otherwise it wouldn't be a holiday. lol. Haven allow dogs and we thought the effort of camping with a 6 month old may be a little too much. Back to camping once he is toddling etc though for sure. xxxxxxxxx
I'm off to visit family when Noah turns 3 months for a family wedding in northern Ireland... We're driving & ferrying not particularly looking forward to the traveling but grandparents (my parents coming too) which means the night of the wedding we can stay at the wedding hotel whilst grandparents get to look after Noah ;)

Babies can no longer go on their mothers passport they need there own photo passport £49.99 that will last 5 years (yes I know a newborn will look nothing like the passport photo in a matter of weeks let alone years!) takes about a month to arrive apparently , photo to be shot against a pale cream or grey background.

We only holiday in the UK. Have a holiday booked for end of sept/early oct in Norfolk. Funnily enough we've bought all of our waterproof clothing when we are on holiday lmao.
Hopefully end of august cant wait not been on holiday for ages. Love the comment about they have babies in hot contries i going to start saying that x
I'm off to visit family when Noah turns 3 months for a family wedding in northern Ireland... We're driving & ferrying not particularly looking forward to the traveling but grandparents (my parents coming too) which means the night of the wedding we can stay at the wedding hotel whilst grandparents get to look after Noah ;)

Babies can no longer go on their mothers passport they need there own photo passport £49.99 that will last 5 years (yes I know a newborn will look nothing like the passport photo in a matter of weeks let alone years!) takes about a month to arrive apparently , photo to be shot against a pale cream or grey background.


I used to do photo's for newborn passports. It's best to take a pale non-patterned cream blanket with you and lay baby on the shop floor to have the photo taken from above. It doesn't matter if they are crying or sleeping so don't worry about that but obviously an awake happy photo is best, no hat should be worn cos they like to see the ear shape (which doesn't change much as they get older) and no clothing too far up to baby's chin xxxxxxxxx
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We're planning on going abroad sept/oct time. My theory is better to go then when they won't be crawling or walking so at least they'll stay put in one place!!!
The first holiday we'll be taking our little 1 on is to Scotland! My OH is Scottish and his parents and relations all want to seee baby. I'm due May 2nd, so depending on how I feel will probably take the trip up in July.
We are doing a 4 night break to Butlins for my birthday in May this yr, Jaiden will be 3mths old then,

I took dd1 to Spain when she was 10mths old, it wasnt too bad altho we did go on coach which was really hard with a baby! (it was 12yrs ago and i had a fear of flying) just made sure she was loaded with suncream, plenty of drinks and i kept her out of the sun in the hottest part of the day xx
We are hoping to get a week in Sept somewhere, but can't decide on Cornwall, Scotland, northern France, or bite the bullet and fly!! Scared bubs will cry the whole flight and everyone will want to kill me and LO by the end!!!
we are going away twice this year but in the uk first time begiining of july little man will be between 6-8 weeks old depending on when he wonts to come and then again in sept

will be goin abroad next year though but not short distance though as when i had my last son we booked eygpt as he turned 1 for a 6 hr flight and got delayed sittin on the plane so in total we was on there 8 hrs and never had a problem with him or his milk that he needed just had to sip it at security to prove there was nothing in it and the sealed cartons were no fuss to them at all :) xx
We're driving to Scotland end of April for ohs mums wedding so baby won't be very old at all. Gonna b an 8 hour car journey so the younger the better when it comes to that I think. Would love up go away on October when we get married but weddings way too pricey! Maybe we will get a cheap place after Christmas abroad somewhere, not too far but somewhere warm :) I don't see the issue with that, and the younger they r the easier to manage lol
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