Is anyone else


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Is anyone else getting really emotional and taking things to heart that normally they wouldnt, my best friend all weeks been makin comments of how im goin to be a bad mum, and that im a hypocondriact cause im tired and feeling sick. I know shes only having a joke but its really been getting to me and just now we've had a big argument at work and all i wanted to do was cry. I feel such a prat
Aaaw Hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: I think things like that are never really funny - especially to say to somebody when they are pg (& hormonal!!!! like we all are) - i think although you are feeling like should you be upset or not - your friend should have been a bit more sensitive.

I have had a little sob today at work, had a client call and b*ll*ock me for no reason for 10 was something so small I would usually just put the phone down and think (P&%£K) but I really took it to heart - like it was a personal attack.
Yeah definitely! I wrote a post the other day saying OHs dad had told me Im never babysitting their baby again cos last time I did the baby wouldnt settle! That really got to me, even though I think it was meant as a joke :evil:
when i first told some people i was pregnant (8 ish weeks), one of my work 'friends' kept saying she was going to take my bubba away when she was born, as she loves babies. I don't think she realised quite how much it hurt inside, but i knew she was only joking. the amount of times i had to walk away from it becuase i was either going to blow my top, or start sobbing.

Even if it is a joke, being told by a close friend that she thinks you are going to be a bad mum is going to effect you.
i keep having days where im really emotinal others where im not. The other week i burst into tears at my mum and had a row with her (i never row/shout/cry) just cos she said 'pregnancys not an illness' cos i was moaning.
my boyfriends been brill tho, if i start crying or moaning he just gives me big hugs and kisses and i remember its just the hornmoans! lol
one of my friends at the moment doesnt seem to like any attention im getting,her youngest is 3 mths and as im showing early our friends when we are out are making a fuss about my stomach and how big it is and she doesnt like it,and making sure that everyone knows its only water ,shes the one that said theres no way you can show early but shes only had 2 so she doesnt really know,i read somewhere,ecspecially if youve had twins previously that your uterus is therefore stretched so to speak and with each pregnancy the baby has more room to move :?
God ! I hate that "pregnancy is not an illness" comment, it really bugs me, cos although they are right, it can make you feel very ill. We ought to throw up over them and see if they still don`t class it as an ilness !!!!!
jano said:
We ought to throw up over them and see if they still don`t class it as an ilness !!!!!

lol! Let us know how that goes!
OMG i cry at anything!!!! With my first baby, i lived at home til i was 4 months and once my dad asked me to turn the tv down, i cried like a baby!!!!

Its those blasted hormones, ive had enough of mine already!!
Hormones. What a load of rubbish. You are a woman. Women are emotional. Just be positive and let logic rule instead of emotion. It is well known that women let emotion and imagery rule, so it is hard not to but, well, basically, get over it!

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