is anyone else symptom spotting?

Well OH is going out to the shop soon so I have asked him to see if they sell them. Tesco is closed. It's a small sainsbury's/bells store. Not sure if they do them. Ohh just thought i'd need to wait until the morning wouldn't i.

OOOH i'm excited :cheer:
excellent, tell him to for clearblue if they donlt have first response. OOh exciting!! I am testing in the morning too (AGAIN). I think I have spent £20+ on tests this month though - the thing with me is I'd rather know and keep testing than wait and wonder. Stupid attitude really but I can't help it!!!

Good luck dear!!

FRER is First Response Early hun :D Good luck for testing, I'm all excited! :cheer: :cheer:
Well I'm trying not to symptom spot this month :roll: but I'm only 3 dpo (I think) and I've had stomach ache, nausea and constipation since I ovulated.
I'm due on the 12th aswell hun! Ooooo Fingers crossed for us all! I have a ClearBlue Digital, Should I use it in the morning lol ?
KittyMom said:
I'm due on the 12th aswell hun! Ooooo Fingers crossed for us all! I have a ClearBlue Digital, Should I use it in the morning lol ?

YES YES YES :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: Kittymom good luck with the testing.

OH got me a test from the shop... a clear blue one so I think I may do one in the morning. The only thing is i've been getting a dull back ache this evening, type I get when i'm due on :think: Oh I dunno! So expensive I don't want to waste one :lol:
Yay lets do a count.

I *think* I will be. Unless I get serious signs AF is on way
Sweetcheeks, KittyMom and KateB testing in morn then :cheer: Good luck girls :hug: :hug:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Yay lets do a count.

I *think* I will be. Unless I get serious signs AF is on way

i did... BFN! im on DPO 10 (still early i know) but just wanted try anyway. i do feel different this month, lots of dizzy moments and sickness during the day, my boobs feel a little heavy too. not going to test again till the weekend now! just say no :talkhand: LOL
I was symptom spotting like crazy until AF pitched up this morning.

I had everything, metallic taste, feeling sick, feeling tired, increased sense of smell etc etc and nothing :(

Hope all this mornings testers get BFP's :hug:
Good luck to everyone testing! What an exciting thread! :lol:

Sorry about AF getting you Lorna... it's frustrating isn't it? :( (But are you sure it's AF?!!!!)
Me, me, me! Every month. :lol:

Although apparently my period was due on Saturday and the old witch isn't here yet :dance: Tested though, BFN. :doh:

- Sick in the morning. Well, not sick but feelings of it.
- Either eating nothing... Or eating everything.
- Sore boobies.
- Slight crampiness.
- Bad back.
- Headaches.

I don't know anymore. :(
me 3 im really doing it bad this month as my sister inlaw found out shes preggy and my step mum just found out and my fellas cuz's gf has aswell ( :wall: everyone is preggy around me )

well so far ive got :pray:

sore nipples (ouch they are so sore)
feeling sick in morning and night
my smelling thing has gone through the roof (even the cat smells & i cooked some onion rings the other night i nearly gagged)
for the past week ive wanted a pie (meat and potato one from near my family but its like about 10 miles away a family member come up the other day i nearly cryed when they said they forgot)
im beeing really sensative
back ache
and trying to lie on my stomache really hurts
and tired all the time but cant sleep at night

but i dont think its my month cause it never is (im giving up this month if it dont happen 3 years of trying is really getting me down
im due to test in 7 days

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