is 10 dpo too early to have symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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so i've been :ttc: for 4 months now. and it's only 4 more days to the end of my :2ww: i'm so excited and nervous. terrified of testing....don't want another :bfn:

so far all i've had are:

itchy nipples and boobs, but no soreness
feeling very warm, no one else seems to feel the heat.
a few stabbing pains in my left side.
dry mouth, always thirsty.

but other than that i'm ok!

has anyone else had these symptoms?? or am i working myself up for nothing like last month???

i'm praying for a :bfp:
I'm really not sure hun. I seem to imagine that I have every symptom under the sun each month and then get a :bfn:. I think the best thing you can do is :test:.

Got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

testing is so hard when you relly want a :bfp:, and each time i don't it tears a little piece of me apart!!!! :help:
i got my 1st faint line at 10dpo.. i had all those symptoms.. looking gd hun!
oh mand i see your in you :2ww: too, how are you feeling?? have you been trying long??? do you feel like your going nuts too.

aww thank kelly, i relly hope so! i'm trying not to get too optimistic about it, i did last month, i was late, and 5 days later, AF ahowed her ugly face again,

i was devastated!
I found with my last cycle that telling myself I am not pregnant, it's just my body playing tricks on me really helped

Of course it's upsetting to see the :witch: but I found I'd literally picked myself up within a matter of minutes & was extremely positive

if i'm not...i just want AF to arrive, so i can get rid of her and start again ha ha ha ha. thats all we can do isn't it??? does anyone get bad headaches this early, i had one last night, it was soo bad it made me sick, thats never happened before!!!

think these are signs..:) HA signs i'm going NUTS:oooo: X X
Oh bless you, it's what we are all here for though hun :flower:

Your be mad like the rest of us in no time :rotfl:

thats if i'm not there already!!! obsessed with babies!! :rofl: never thought i'd see the day...:shock:
That day could be closer then you think :clover:

Sending you heaps of sticky baby :dust: :dust: :dust:

:thanks: The :witch: is due wednesday, wait......i'm actually 11dpo :shock:. ha ha ha. if she hasn't come by thurs i'll :test: don't you worry hun, i'll keep you posted!!! i have everything crossed!!! (and i mean everything) :rofl:
It's sooooooooo exciting & I'm gonna be keeping a close on your thread
oh stop!! i'm getting all excited now!! its the one thing i don't wanna do:x.... he he he he. either way i'm gonna cry!! :bfp: or :bfn: there will be tears!!!! :lol:
were you trying long??? i left a post on your thread!! :hugs:
Hey Smokey08, my AF is due same day as yours and i've been having exactly the same symptoms, especially the pains in the left hand side. they've been going on for like 4 days now and praying the witch stays far away this month!
Does anyone know if the pains in the side are usually good symptoms else if i dont get a BFP i'm starting to worry there may be a problem??!!!

Good Luck to you anyhow, i have my fingers firmly crossed for both of us!!!!!

i'm not sure if it's a sign or not huni! i posted on your thread too. or symptoms are almost identical... i've been trying since november, so nearly as long as you..... i don't think there is anything wrong hun, i heard it can take healthy couples up to a year to concieve....

i know it's hard and i should practise what i preach :rofl: but try not to worry.

:dust: :dust: :dust: for you.

heres hoping we both get our :bfp:

this is our month. :hugs:
:thanks: loopy. i have everything crossed. getting a few cramps now like :witch: is on her way!!!! :(

oh i hope not!!!!
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