Hi and welcome to the forum
I have always had very irregular cycles too, anything from 25 days to 45 days, so I found charting invaluable as I then learned that my luteal phase (the days between ovulation and your next period) was the average 14 days and always stayed the same, so it was my ovulation that was varying and causing irregular cycles.
However, the last 4 months have all been exactly 32 days so im hoping they have settled down now!
Varying ovulation is the most common cause of irregular cycles, and that can be caused by all manner of things including stress, diet, alcohol, the small things that we wouldnt think could have such an impact. Its worth charting just to find out when you are ovulating and then counting the days to your period (dpo as its known or days past ovulation) as you will then know if its your ovulation that varies, or if you have a varying luteal phase. Its normal for your luteal phase to differ by a day or 2 each cycle but if for example you had one of 12 days then one of 18 days, and this was causing your irregular cycles then you would need to get that looked at as it can cause problems conceiving.
Oh gosh I hope I havnt confused you even more lol, but theres a wealth of information around tis forum so if your unsure of anything just ask