iron low off to midwife @ 5


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Midwife called my hubby to say that my last blood test i had taken the other day was for iron and that they were very low and that i had to go into see her at 5 today :(
I cant help but keep forgetting to take my vitamins hubbys even wrote it in his phone to remind me because i keep forgetting even if they were in front of me id still forget and im :mad: at my self cos i cant help but forget!

No wonder ive been feeling abit funny and sometimes i close my eyes and there small white dots i think thats a sign for it being low but i didnt actually think it would go that low for the midwife to call me about it.
will keep you all updated later.
They'll probably just give you iron tablets honey, how about having what you need to take by your bed and being strict that you don't get out of bed until you've taken them, and f you need anything at night, same sort of thing, can't put my head on the pillow until its done. Good luck for the MW app, but i'm sure all will be fine x
i cant swallow tablets i can only take liquid form and im nearly out of them to lol.
and when im awake i have to get out of bed as little man starts moving an its uncomftable for me :(
i think now hubbys got it set to his fone to remind i should be alright.
i kept asking people to remind me an for so long they did but they stopped an totally forgot al bout it.
just hope they dont give me nemore more needles at this moment although i will have to keep havin them now lol. im just doing a terrible job i think, my memories that rubbish :(
I know mw if prob going to give me a right rollocking lol x
no youre not doing a terrible job, I keep forgetting the vitamins too, theres a lot to think about and its so easy to forget things! I was good inthe beginning but these days if I remember 3 times a week Im doing well!! Im sure the midwife can get you iron in liquid form, they must do something for people who cant swallow tablets. good luck hun x
you are doing a better job than me hun keep it up :D i remember probrably once a week lol although tryin to think of getting all baby bits sorted so that i can relax is taking up all my thinking time lol.
hope midwife can help to be honest, im glad theyve called me now rather than left it until i went to see her.
i just hope ive not hurt the baby :( x
Yeah as far as I know they do Iron supplements in liquid form so don't worry, just keep your chin up
no hun whats proably happened is that the baby has stolen all of your iron!!! so youve run out! They check everyones iron levels, I had my bloods taken on monday for it. It happens quite a lot, its not your fault x
How did it go at mw's honey?
hey thanks for replying.
it went ok at the midwife they said for me to talk to my consultant about up dosing the amount i take in liquid form basically 2 small spoons instread of one.
ive got to have another test done but now i should be able to remember to take them now as hubby has stored it into his phone. She said i must take them incase when im labour if i lose alot of blood it could make me loose alot of blood which i got really panacky over :( i still feel silly although the baby has took it out of me as ive nothing left in my system. ive slept twice today how mad is that although ive had no choice but to sleep cos i think i would of fainted at one point.
Although one way to know if your low on iron levels are low a few weeks ago because i started to getting white dots moving about when i closed my eyes or even if i had them open. People please be careful.
thanks for reading xx
Don't beat yourself up about it, its just one of those things. Just take this as a kick up the bum to remember to take it from now on. As for the sleeping thing i wouldn't worry about that either, I keep falling asleep everytime i've tried to do something no matter how small, my bodys way of telling me to do as i've been told and rest.
I was aneamic when i had my daughter but not aneamic enough for them to give me iron tablets if that makes any sense, and i was getting the white dots in my eyes when they was open i never got them when i closed my eyes but i went light headed alot too. And in this pregnancy iv been getting white dots again but my iron levels were good last time and i drink orange with my cereal and i try and eat spinich alot more aswell so hopefully im not aneamic now.

I hope you sort out your iron levels before baba is born. The only thing that makes me eat loads of spinich and high in iron stuff is the fact my mum had aneamia with my sister and she needed a blood transfusion and i really dont want to have that. Good luck :) x
thanks all.
ive got to get some iron suppliments from docs as consultant said they wud only give us one which is the bottle that is out of date and cannot use after april. well they cud of told me they only do it once when they mentioned bout iron stuff in the first place lol. so got to sort out docs tmos.
although ive brought some pure orange juice an now in stock of shreddies which helps me on iron and im going to try an eat more veg and do what i can hopefully my iron levels go up will have to let u no me next set of bloo results when they come thru again an ive got to have them again soon. so not looking foward to it lol.
although it has given me more huumf to get off my bum (hubby gets it for me :D ) so that he knows that ive took it although they said see how i get on with one spoonful and then if bloods still low then to up another spoon. :D x

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