

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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Hey ladies, do any of you have a feeling when you think your baby will arrive in the world? I am due August 24th, but am totally expecting it to be a September baby. Call it a hunch, or intuition, whatever, but I am thinking 2nd or 3rd September. My first was a week late and this is quite a trend in our family, so I'm pretty sure this one will be late too. Any of you got a clue when to pop? x
Hey ladies, do any of you have a feeling when you think your baby will arrive in the world? I am due August 24th, but am totally expecting it to be a September baby. Call it a hunch, or intuition, whatever, but I am thinking 2nd or 3rd September. My first was a week late and this is quite a trend in our family, so I'm pretty sure this one will be late too. Any of you got a clue when to pop? x

Iv got a feeling I'm gonna go early. I only got to 33 weeks last time. I remember a wee while after I found out I was preggy having a conversation with my mum about feeling like I was gonna go early.
We both said id get to around 33 weeks!!
This time I think maybe 35/36. I really do hope i get to full term though!

Iv got a feeling I'm gonna go early. I only got to 33 weeks last time. I remember a wee while after I found out I was preggy having a conversation with my mum about feeling like I was gonna go early.
We both said id get to around 33 weeks!!
This time I think maybe 35/36. I really do hope i get to full term though!
Well I was spot on with my daughter, I said she would be born on the 25th January and sure enough she was born at 11pm 25th January 2006 weighing 6lb. All my babies have come 5 days early so going by that this one will be born 3rd August 2008 although I dont mind it coming on due date cause then it'll be 08-08-08 and I think thats pretty neat. I got an incline I might go much earlier than 5 days early though but time will tell.
Well I was spot on with my daughter, I said she would be born on the 25th January and sure enough she was born at 11pm 25th January 2006 weighing 6lb. All my babies have come 5 days early so going by that this one will be born 3rd August 2008 although I dont mind it coming on due date cause then it'll be 08-08-08 and I think thats pretty neat. I got an incline I might go much earlier than 5 days early though but time will tell.
I want my bubs to come 3 days late so it 08/08/08.........
But i went 11 days overdue with harrison so who knows.
I want my bubs to come 3 days late so it 08/08/08.........
But i went 11 days overdue with harrison so who knows.
Well ideally I would love Daniel to arrive on 3rd April when he is due, my beloved grandad died on that date when I was 7. It would just feel really special as I was very close to him.

OH reckons the 27th March, I have no idea why :lol:
Well ideally I would love Daniel to arrive on 3rd April when he is due, my beloved grandad died on that date when I was 7. It would just feel really special as I was very close to him.

OH reckons the 27th March, I have no idea why :lol:
I've got a feeling im going to be right around my due date, or just slightly over, by a day or two maybe.

Don't know why I think that though because Nathan was born at 35 weeks :think:
I've got a feeling im going to be right around my due date, or just slightly over, by a day or two maybe.

Don't know why I think that though because Nathan was born at 35 weeks :think:
Not so much with dates as this is my first and have nothing to go on! But I have a really strong feeling that I'll wake up in the middle of the night with contractions... Hmmm xx

I was 14 days late with my first (she was supposed to be an August baby but was born in Sept which I was really pleased about because it mean't I had another year of her at home before she went to school, and she was one of the oldest). My 2nd was born 2 days before my DD on Boxing Day (Honestly!!! I really hoped she'd hang on until after Christmas at least!!)

I'm due this time on 3 July but for some reason I have the 5th July in my head!! I guess we'll see!!!
Not so much with dates as this is my first and have nothing to go on! But I have a really strong feeling that I'll wake up in the middle of the night with contractions... Hmmm xx

I was 14 days late with my first (she was supposed to be an August baby but was born in Sept which I was really pleased about because it mean't I had another year of her at home before she went to school, and she was one of the oldest). My 2nd was born 2 days before my DD on Boxing Day (Honestly!!! I really hoped she'd hang on until after Christmas at least!!)

I'm due this time on 3 July but for some reason I have the 5th July in my head!! I guess we'll see!!!
with DS I knew I wasn't going to go into labour and I was right and had the full works being induced. I don't think I'll go into labour this time either. Just a feeling
with DS I knew I wasn't going to go into labour and I was right and had the full works being induced. I don't think I'll go into labour this time either. Just a feeling
i think i will be 10 dyas early, as i am due in July when it should be hot (?) i have no onjections to being early.

i think i will be 10 dyas early, as i am due in July when it should be hot (?) i have no onjections to being early.


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