Introduction to Me :-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

Im new to Tri 2 today and still doesnt feel like Im pregnant lol

I found out 10 weeks ago that I was pregnant. I booked an appointment with my Dr and he dated me 8 weeks. Im a very inpatient person so I booked a private scan to see the bean. Ready for the scan and nothing came up. No sac no nothing. She said you have a large cyst and polycystic ovaries. She said that may be why you have a positive test. She wanted to rescan me a week later, so she did and luckily there was a sac. She dated me 5 weeks.

I was glad to realise that the reason my periods were irregular and the reason to why I suffer bad adult acne but then I was panicing that if I was to lose the baby it would be harder to concieve. My OH was a diamond. He was saying that we can save for IVF and anything that would need to be done he would do.

I was a nightmare. I spent so much money on scans every other week because I just couldnt believe it and didnt feel like it was real. Our first midwifes appointment made it feel, and the sickness. Which I was lucky to only have for a few weeks. Then it went. Ive had no bleeding, no spotting and minimal cramping like twinges. Ive been lucky.

I had my 12 week scan last Monday and to my surprise baby was a whole week bigger than what it should have been. Which is weird because ive had about 5 scans and all EDD were correct to how far along I was until last week. So I skipped a whole week! I think Ive got a fat baby on my hands lol. The baby would not stop moving, not even for a few seconds and god did the lady doing the scan get annoyed. I was in there for 1 hr and 15 mins. Another woman took over too because they needed to check baby over. Finally they did all the checks and I could finally go!

Well, im 14 weeks and baby still a secret. I have no bump still and still dont feel pregnant! Which is pretty great. Were looking at moving first before we then tell family. I know its pretty late but its what me and my OH feel is right.

My mum and I have never been close, if you have read my previous posts in Tri1 my mum has always told me growing up I would be 'marched' to the abortion clinic if I got pregnant living in her house! And then a few weekends ago we were talking about something and i asked her if she regretted having kids and she said yes to that too. So Im keeping baby a secret for its own safety.

Im 100000% sure its a boy. I have a feeling, a huge feeling and Im gonna be so surprised if its a girl. I wont be dissapointed either way as long as its healthy.

I thought id just let everyone know my journey so far and look forward to sharing lots of problems and problem solvers with you ladies, and men!

Lots of love
Bs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello and welcome to tri 2 wow what a long post i tryed reading it all but my eyes went funni in a few weeks your bump will come along and belive me hun you will find pregnancy kicking in i was 2months when i found out xxx
HI, welcome to tri 2, thats some story you have there, congratulation!

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