Introducing your two legged baby to your 4 legged baby!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hello All!

Does anyone here have cats/dogs?

I've got three dogs (although by the time baby comes that could be 2, as our wee oldie Floss has terminal cancer :( ) and they've always been my babies.

Just wondering if anyone has any tips or advice on how all of us can live in perfect harmony!

im interested in the responses here too, as ive got two border collies, who have been my world.
I've got a gorgeous black lab.......she has been my baby for 6 years!
I read that you musn't exclude them to prevent jealousy and someone suggested (it might have been on here :think: ) let your dog lick/sniff your babies feet. Obviously wash it straight away! But them they can get the scent, which is what we did. Once we let her smell him she lost all interest and now she doesn't really bother with him. But she's not jealous either. We will see how interested she is once he starts walking! hehe
funny, i was just sitting in the bath reading a mag. one of the letters was a woman recommending THIS cd which gets them used to baby and child noises.
thought about getting one of those type of cds. wounder if it actually works
the most obvious - NEVER leave your baby/child unattended with a dog.
start making any changes now before baby arrives i.e if the dog sleeps upstairs start making them sleep downstairs etc.
Some people recommend getting a lifesize baby doll and cuddling it aroud the house.
They also recomment once babe is born to bring a blanket or nappy or something that will smell of the baby.
I think it is a case or trial and error, but don't change things once the baby is here do it sooner so the changes are not associated with the baby.
We have quite a few 4 legged babies - a horse, a cat and 2 dogs, one of which is an Irish Wolfhound. I think our main concern is that the wolfie doesn't knock over things like the moses basket as his tail is a dangerous weapon when he's happy :lol: . I'm not sure when we should introduce the baby to our horse as he is quite young and curious and tends to investigate everything with his mouth which could be problematic with a small baby.
ive only got zebra finches and my dad has budgie and a cockatial. mum has a lab and a jack russell. labs fine with kids and i expect babys but the jack russ hates kids. so shes gonna hve to work on that but yea dont leave babys, kids alone with dogs or cats.
I've got 2 hounds, although ma boy Wobbie is going to be fine, Holly worries me as shes still so young and flapping mental!!!
Best thing i think we can all do is like someone already said do the obvious and dont leave the baby alone with the animal, even a cat can cause problems as my friend found out when they kept finding the pet in the cot because of the milk dribbles and warmth of the baby :|
Guess its just another thing to worry about :wall:

I have a lab , bordercollie and he is great with Kiara from the start he was and well still is very jelous when she gets attention all day but hes never came close to biting her .
He loves it now that she can throw a ball :)
In the beginning we let him sniff her and give her kisses and everything was fine he even slept in the same room as us on the floor.
But i know some animals are different so trust your instincts on your own personal pets
I'm a bit worried to. Ive got 2 dogs, the lab i think will be fine but i have a collie cross who is a bit nervous and she can get quite jeleous. There are also 2 cats, i dont think they would do anything as such but i've heard of cats suffocating babies when theyve slept by their heads, We are getting a special cat net to put over the cot. I've also got 2 horses! Obviuosly i want be leaving them alone together but i will have the baby in a sling or something while doing them so i dont have to leave her in the car.
Everybody - my friends, family , OH, - keeps telling me I will have to lessen the amount of animals I have before baby arrives. I don't think so!!
I am qualified in this area as I studied Dog Psychology and Animal Behaviour at Uni.

I have 6 dogs (3 jack russells, a mini yorkie, a german shepherd and a japanese akita) 2 cats, a ferret, pony's, ducks, parrot....
But with all my animals they all get on - there is no animosity, no fighting, no chasing. The ducks sit on the lawn with the terriers, the yorkie curls up with the akita, nobody bothers each other. They all have respect for one another and I'm sure a baby will fit into that no problems.
The only thing I would be concerned about is clumsy dogs knocking over prams etc - but as the majority of my dogs live outside it wont be too much of a problem. My one jack russell who lives in the house is already sulking - I think he knows there is something different about me, but as long as he is involved and not pushed out I know he will be fine.

But everyone's animals are different, and baby's and animals can be a dangerous combination!!
But it is very important to make changes BEFORE baby arrives so changes are not associated with baby.

It's scary stuff aint it!!

Piglet xx

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