Internet can be a depressing tool


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well :-( :-(

When I went for my bloods to be done a couple months ago, the results came back normal, bar prolactin, which they said I was low on.

Stupidly (probably) I decided to look this up on the internet. It's something to do with the pituitary gland and if low levels are in the body it can be a sign of infertility.

Fantastic NOT :-( now I'm all worried that I'm gonna have more problems than I realised :cry:

What a bummer :cry: wish I hadn't looked it up now cos maybe I've got nothing to worry about, but now I'm thinkin that I might have

Sorry for such a depressing thread, not my normal style I know :whistle:
Google is evil and should be banned, althought this CAN be the case in a VERY SMALL NUMBER OF WOMEN this will not be the case with you. We need some positivity here :)

once that damn nasty pill stops messing you around you will have a wonderful 28 day cycle :hugs:
I know thanks ladies, I'm more mad at myself for searching it than the actual result that it produced, sometimes ignorance really is bliss :oooo:

Too bleedin late now though, I'm not going to search it again tho, it's far too depressing :roll:
Why do we learn too late that google is evil :hug:
If there was anything too be concerned about the dr would be following it up :flower:
And if google was always right there'd be no need for doctors!!!
She thinks there is cos now I'm for specialist treatment :-(
There has been quite extensive research done it (again from the bloddy interweb) that it could be a condition called post-pill amenorreah (sp)

Whereby someone who has been on long term BC (in my case 13 years) can't regain the hormonal balance to send the correct signals to their pituitary gland.

Therefore the body is sending the P gland messages that there is enough reproductive hormone in the body (that's what the pill does to stop any eggs being released) and therefore I'm not getting sent any more hormones from my P gland to generate an egg to be released.

Hope that makes sense to you all (I know what I mean in my own head but that sounds a bit like gobbledygook) :lol:
Well I took the pill/depo for more than 13yrs straight hun and we got there so try not to get too down chicken :hug:
Have they given you any idea about what the specialist involves? It might be that your dr is wanting a bot more help if it is something they are not familiar with :hug:
Well, my initial appointment was in June (thought I'd give it six months after coming off the pill). At that time she said to me, "normally I wouldn't refer people to the specialist unless they have been actively trying to conceive and are having no joy, but I am concerned about the length of time that it's been since you stopped taking your pill and still have no cycle, so I'll probably refer you to a specialist as it's not normal to go this long without a period even after taking the pill" (or something to that effect lol). So then I went and had my bloods tested - resulting in the lack of prolactin. I didn't have my appointment with her until the beginning of august to discuss the results cos she was on holiday and cause there had still been no joy she said she was writing a letter to the specialist that day.
Maybe it is just because she doesn't specialise in it and doesn't know enough herself. I'm stumped cos now it's been near 9 months.
Im sure you will get answers/a plan of action when you see the specialist, don't get Googling anything else now will you? :hug:
I'll do my bestest not to :roll:

I've already decided I want clomid, seems to do great work for re-starting a sluggish cycle lol.

Wonder if that'll give me twinnies :)
I knew a gal in Australia who was having Clomid to make her ovulate - I think she had to inject it. Twins, YIKES! :lol:
Hey hon, doctors tend to refer anything unusual in bloods cos they are generalists not specialists so your GP has done the right thing but I wouldn't read into that that anything is wrong. When I can off Depo it took me 14 months to have a cycle and I have my little boy and am pregnant agin now, both with no help so please, please don't panic. Big hugs tho cos I know how stressful it is x x x
^^^^^ wow! I could be waiting a while longer then eh? Did your cycle just start up by iself then? I see you've said you didn't need any help conceiving but did you need medical intervention with getting your cycle started again or did you just let nature take it's course?

Thanks for your comments girls, is such a support and it's comforting for me to know that there are people who have been in similar situations to me xx :hug:

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