Internal exams


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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I keep meaning to ask, what do internal exams consist of? I'm talking all of them right up til labour, is it instruments? fingers? hands?
And how do they see how dialated you are, I just have visions of a cow and vet with vets arm halfway up it's you know what lol
I had internal on sat night as went up maternity triage! .. They just stuck some plasticy cone shape thing inside not to far up tho and used a big torch which i found amusing to look up my foof to see the neck of the womb .. They then took a swob. It didnt hurt really just felt rather uncomfortable tbh! The inserting of the cone thing hurt a little.

To check how dilated u are innlabour they use fingers..

But tbh dont think they like to mess up there to much x
Ha Ha , yes it is abit like a scene from All creatures great and small, especially towards the end of labour , two of my babies had face presenations so midwifes whole hand and half an arm was right in there turning their heads around but trust me by at that point you won't care and you feel it especially if you use the gas and air .
Also the more internals you have before your first birth the better really as things begin to relax more easily and hopefully that can make your labour quicker , try to relax during them and not really think about what they are doing as I believe this helps get your normal sex life back as soon as possile after . xx

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